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Top 5 Tips for Building Your Real Estate Wholesaling Business

Tips for Building Your Real Estate Wholesaling Business

If you’re looking to take your real estate wholesaling business to the next level, then you’ll need to use the right tools. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top 5 ways to grow your real estate investing business.

The best-performing real estate asset classes right now are single-family rentals (SFRs) and multifamily buildings, both of which have drawn billions of dollars in investment capital from family offices, institutions, and individual private investors.

This article will examine 5 tips for building your real estate wholesaling business, curated by our team based on things they wished they knew when they started wholesaling real estate to begin with. These include how to identify deals, assess potential returns, handle money wisely to optimize earnings, and how to break into the real estate industry with marketing.

wholesaling real estate, REsimpli

1. Use a CRM system.

Tech solutions can assist real estate investors in taking advantage of listings before other buyers in the face of a strong demand for rental property. A CRM system will help you keep track of your leads, prospects, and customers. It will also help you stay organized and efficient in your real estate wholesaling business.

While it might seem like a hassle to integrate a CRM system with the handful of leads you’ve already picked up, it’s important to think forward–how much more of a burden will it be to transition when your company grows over the next several months? Moreover, how many leads are passing you by while you’re limited to your current lead generation venues?

By utilising the appropriate software, investors may boost their productivity and, in the long run, generate larger returns. It might also significantly alter how your business grows, setting the foundation for your company to flourish and grow.

Many real estate wholesalers use a pre-fab CRM not specific to real estate, like Salesforce, Zoho, or Hubspot. While these are fantastic solutions to automate the sales journey, store and sort information, as well as analyze data sets, we will go into detail about real estate specific CRMs.

Property M.O.B. offers pre-trained Virtual Assistants to help organize, automate, and scale your Real Estate Wholesaling business.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

2. Use specific real estate wholesaling or real estate investing software.

Real estate investing software can automate many of the tasks associated with real estate wholesaling, such as lead management, contract management, and deal analysis.

CRMs as mentioned above do have more capabilities than your old paper-and-pencil methods or complicated Excel spreadsheets, but success in our digital age depends entirely on choosing the appropriate tools for the job.

Leveraging the advantages of technological instruments simplifies real estate wholesaling. Real estate investment software can be quite useful for managing rental properties, researching potential deals, and forecasting remodeling tools.

For those that specialize in a particular specialty, such as house flipping, wholesale real estate, rental properties, and commercial properties, there are numerous real estate software solutions available. While real estate investing and wholesaling real estate are similar in nature, it’s important to note these differences when shopping for a CRM for your specific real estate needs.

The real estate industry reached an all time high since 2007 this past winter, with residential properties having a revenue share of 35% in the United States alone. As such, the real estate market has been saturated with newfangled technology to aid real estate investors in their business ventures.

Among the top-ranked real estate wholesaling software includes REsimpli, our intuitive real estate CRM built specifically for real estate wholesaling.

REsimpli c/o Freelancer
REsimpli boasts a customizable user interface that’s ready to go in a minute or less, with comprehensive features and app functionality including driving for dollars, list stacking, and several internal API integrations including Zapier, Podio, and more.

3. Use a real estate investor website.

A real estate investor website can help you find motivated sellers and market your properties to a wider audience. Statistically, real estate investor websites help close more deals by tracking and anticipating the customer journey.

While other forms of marketing and outreach can help broaden your brand awareness, the best way to draw in target leads and turn them into converted customers is to utilize a specific website for your real estate wholesaling business.

Integrated tools for real estate wholesaling both boost productivity and include unlimited follow-up with autoresponders and automated reminders. From there, you can select from a variety of simple plug-ins for your real estate wholesaling business model, whether that’s buying and selling homes, wholesale buying and selling, home flipping, commercial real estate, etc.

You’ll find there are a variety of adaptable, scalable, and mobile-responsive designs built to convert leads, oftentimes available as an addition to your current real estate investment CRM.

REsimpli includes many of these features, as well as a designated landing page for your business. This is all included in your monthly subscription, effectively replacing over 7 tools for less than the price of one.

4. Use direct mail marketing.

Direct mail marketing (also known as direct marketing) can be an effective way to reach motivated sellers and generate leads for your real estate wholesaling business. Direct mail in regards to real estate investing essentially means just that–directly mailing homeowners from specific lists of motivated sellers with investment properties or distressed properties.

While direct mail is one of the most effective marketing types for wholesaling real estate, it can often be costly and time consuming. From buying individual postcards, to curating lists, to designing and proofing as well as printing, buying direct mail postcards even from discount printers still ends up costly if leads are not converted.

It makes much more sense, fiscally and organizationally, to find a product that can handle your specific direct mail needs while curating your marketing lists.

REsimpli’s direct mail feature includes very competitive pricing, no minimum quantity, prefabricated lists, as well as a variety of easy to use templates.

5. Use online marketing.

Online marketing can be a cost-effective way to reach motivated sellers and generate leads for your real estate wholesaling business. Wholesaling real estate companies that use digital marketing might see significant returns on their investments, moreso than other marketing venues.

For real estate investors seeking to buy houses and find motivated sellers, REsimpli provides examples of tailored digital marketing campaigns and methods. Among the most popular methods of online marketing include pay-per-click (PPC), display advertising, paid social media or influencer marketing, as well as search engine optimization.

Marketing specialists are available for hire on websites like UpWork and Fiverr, but the best way to get going? Just start! Having information on the internet about your real estate investments means sellers will be able to find you more easily.

Our advice is to start whatever way you can, either on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media, or by writing a blog similar to this with your thoughts and findings on the industry, your business, and wholesaling real estate in general.

wholesaling real estate, REsimpli
If you want to learn more about how to grow your real estate wholesale business, and get tips from other real estate investors in our online community? Join our FREE Mastermind for Real Estate Wholesalers.

What is List Stacking in Real Estate Wholesaling?

List Stacking in Real Estate Investing

In the real estate world, buzzwords come and go just as often as industry trends. Like everything else, some come and go, and some are here to stay. List stacking is one of those trends with inevitable staying power.

List stacking is one of the newest industry trends, with high promises of generating leads and connecting wholesalers with highly motivated sellers.

Are you curious as to what list stacking is and how it’s applied by real estate investors to locate and target highly motivated sellers? What about real estate CRM software, and how do the two work together?

In this blog, we’ll define real estate wholesaling, list stacking, and various list sources, as well as take a deep dive into the pros and cons of each method and how you can best choose your real estate software and list stacking software to track and optimize these leads.

What is real estate wholesaling?

Real estate wholesaling is the process of finding deeply discounted properties and assigning them to another buyer for a higher price. Real estate wholesalers make money by pocketing the difference between what they paid for the property and what they sold it for.

Each method has its own set of benefits that can be helpful to you and your business. Real estate investing can be a great way to find deeply discounted properties.

Generating leads comes with a combination of inbound and outbound marketing tactics, including paid ads, social media, cold calling and emails, search engine optimization, and online networking. Of the more hands-on approaches, list stacking and driving for dollars have become very popular choices.

List stacking can help you focus your efforts on a specific list of properties, and driving for dollars can help you find properties that are vacant or in disrepair.

What is list stacking?

List stacking is a technique used in real estate wholesaling that involves compiling a list of potential properties for wholesale. This can be done by driving for dollars, searching online listings, or working together with a real estate agent, most often in tandem with one another.

One of the benefits of list stacking is that it allows you to quickly and easily identify potential properties for investment, saving you both time and money. Additionally, it provides you with a valuable database of potential leads that you can use again in the future, cross-reference, and use to curate valuable information about specific neighborhoods and demographic lists.

Many real estate investors use list stacking software, which often comes as part of their real estate CRM.

Where do I buy these lists?

In order to list stack, you need to have multiple lists available first. There are many different methods that real estate investors use to acquire lists, from old-fashioned banging on doors to data mining or even purchasing their lists from outside sources.

We’ve listed several of the most popular methods for acquiring your lists to start building out your database:

  • Driving for Dollars

Driving for dollars (drive for dollars, or D4$) is another method real estate wholesalers use to find leads. This involves driving around potential neighborhoods looking for vacant or in disrepair properties. These properties may be good candidates for real estate wholesaling and help real estate investors focus their efforts on a specific list of properties.

  • ListSource

ListSource is another company REsimpli offers full integration with. As active real estate investors and wholesalers, ListSource is an invaluable resource for building local and national lists based on various filtering options.

ListSource caters directly to wholesalers, investors, and brokers, ensuring their lists come with motivated sellers and high-quality leads. These lists can be directly imported to REsimpli or your CRM of choice and cross-referenced further using list stacking functions.

  • PropStream

PropStream is another tool that is ubiquitous throughout the real estate investment industry. At REsimpli, we work with and offer integrations with PropStream in order to make your list stacking and segmenting as pain-free as possible.

PropStream provides one of the most efficient list management and list stacking technologies available to real estate brokers, investors, and agents. Using their software, you can quickly create bespoke reports using their many filter options to find possible sellers immediately. For the purpose of building a targeted directory of the most likely sellers, the list stacking feature aids in your understanding of which properties are duplicated across multiple lists.

  • County records

Public records are a great way to start your lists. These don’t come with the same vetting and filtering options as PropStream or ListSource, but they are a perfect launchpad for new real estate investors who need a starting point. Most of the time, these are acquired for free online either through the County Recorder’s Office or County Treasurer, but some real estate investors have had great success in reaching out to county tax assessors, or city and county inspectors for multiple code violators or other red flags.

County records provide lists based on various criteria, most of which include bank-owned properties, bankruptcies, delinquent taxes, liens, foreclosures, tax sale properties, and more.

What are the top real estate wholesaling lists to buy?

Pre-qualified or high-quality lead lists will most likely give you a higher ROI. There are many things to consider when list building, including how worthwhile it is to buy lists (like those on ListSource) as opposed to doing more legwork and acquiring free ones (like county records or driving for dollars), but ultimately there are a few specific criteria to look out for.

Probate lists are the most popular, given the homes are vacant without much legal implication, as probate essentially means the homeowner died without a will bequeathing the house or leaving a will. Niche lists like these, shutoff lists, divorce lists, eviction lists, etc., often return a 20-30% close rate.

List stacking with pre-foreclosure properties

Another type of property rising in popularity within real estate investment is pre-foreclosures. These lists are becoming more and more populated during and after COVID as the rates of pre-foreclosure are high.

The property type gaining the most popularity since 2021 is absentee-owned or absentee-owner properties. The most important part to take note of in absentee owner deals is to ensure the owner does own substantial equity in the property.

Oftentimes, absentee owner properties are owned by multiple owners or are tied up with current renters. Establishing that the owner is motivated and there won’t be complications with a third-party management company is essential.

list stacking

What criteria should I consider when stacking my lists?

Starting out, based on their previous sources, a real estate investor might pull multiple lists from their current software or database. Organizing these based on specific criteria is the best option for amalgamating your data and “stacking” them to target them directly. Most often, these groups look something like this:

  • Vacant
  • Tax Delinquent
  • Inherited Property
  • Code Violations

Where does list stacking come in? Once these lists are all curated, you’d further categorize them to send your marketing (whether that’s email or direct mail), and instead of sending out four or more campaigns with different messaging, marketing campaigns can then be tailored to groups who fit multiple criteria, such as:

  • Absentee & Vacant
  • Absentee & Tax Delinquent
  • Absentee & Vacant & Tax Delinquent & Inherited Property

This is one way to cut your leads in half, and you will certainly see a decline in the amount of records you pull, but list stacking also saves you money by helping you seek our more motivated sellers.

Similar to any kind of demographic targeting, it’s easy enough to get granular or broad with your targeting. For example, our CEO, Sharad Mehta, uses definitions similar to the below to get specific with his targeting:

Absentee: The property is uninhabited

High Equity: Owners with more than 50% equity

Vacant: The owner nor any tenant or family lives at the property

Inherited: The owner inherited the property recently

Tax Delinquent: The property is behind on taxes or mortgage payments, sometimes an indication that the new owner might feel burdened by the inheritance.

Single Family: Only one family resides, or can legally reside, at the property

What software do I use to stack my lists?

So you have your lists–how do you compile them? While REsimpli offers one-click, intuitive list-building and segmenting options, many CRMS offer similar features at a smaller scale. When starting out with smaller lists, it’s often feasible to stack lists on Excel or Google Sheets as well.

  • List Stacking with REsimpli

REsimpli offers many integrations, as noted above, with software like Propstream and ListSource, as well as a one-click import for other Excel or spreadsheet files. You can quickly and comprehensively tag and sort your leads en masse or individually and, from there, set up your direct mail or other marketing campaigns right in our CRM.

For more information on how you can use the REsimpli list stacking function to close more deals faster, you can watch a free full demo on YouTube demo.

  • Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets

Spreadsheets work best on a very tight budget and if you only have a handful of properties to work from. They are notoriously hard to scale but very easy to customize.

Using conditional formatting and formulas, you can remove duplicates and sort data based on specific criteria relatively easily; however, it’s important to note that spreadsheets require a lot of manual input before they are able to be sorted and formatted properly.

How do I choose a real estate CRM for list stacking?

Choosing a real estate customer relationship management system (CRM) is an important decision for any real estate wholesaler or business. A real estate CRM will help you track your leads, prospects, and clients. It is important to choose a real estate CRM that fits your specific business needs.

There are many different real estate CRMs on the market, so it is important to do your research before choosing one. You may want to consider features such as lead management, contact management, and automation.

More recently, CRMs have been incorporating more up-to-date features such as driving for dollars and list stacking.

If you’re interested (or already participating) in real estate wholesaling, learning how to stack lists is a valuable skill to have.

The best software for list stacking

REsimpli’s software was built for real estate wholesalers by real estate wholesalers, helping save you time and close deals faster. Aside from driving for dollars and list stacking functionality, our CRM software for real estate investors also include:

  • Skip Tracing
  • Direct Mail
  • Vacancy & Absentee Checks
  • Filters for Target Marketing
  • Zapier, BatchDialer & Other Integrations

Interested? Contact us for the full rundown on all our features, access to our exclusive coaching calls and sales groups, and a 14-day free trial.

How do I use Driving for Dollars to Find Motivated Sellers?

Driving for Dollars: How to Find Motivated Sellers

What is driving for dollars in real estate, and how does it work? More importantly, how can you use it to find distressed property leads or off-market deals? Find out here!

Experienced real estate investors often discuss how they use this strategy to find their next deal. Finding motivated sellers can be a tough task, even for long-term investors skilled in finding real estate deals.

Hate using multiple software? Simplify your business with REsimpli.

What is Driving for Dollars?

Driving for Dollars is exactly what it sounds like – driving around a neighborhood to find distressed or vacant properties, as well as investment properties that can be wholesaled for a profit.

It is one of the most powerful and inexpensive marketing channels that real estate wholesalers use, especially those just getting started in the business.

Why? Because it’s one of the most effective ways to look for distressed properties or off-market properties.

How to Start with Driving for Dollars: Six Steps

We have put together a comprehensive six-step guide to help you find off-market properties. Follow these steps.

Step 1. Pick a Target Area

Now, choose the area where you want to find your next real estate investment property.

Use these criteria to pick your target area:

  • Safety – you feel safe driving around in the area
  • Home Prices – targeted neighborhoods with median home prices for the area
  • Real Estate Investor Activity – popular area to invest in for any local real estate investor

Pro Tip: Driving for Dollars(D4$) is a great way to learn more about a specific neighborhood and become an expert.

Step 2. Planning for Your Drive

After you have picked your target area to drive, you want to prepare for your drive.

Some things to consider for your planning:

  • Notepad – to write down addresses of the properties
  • Smartphone or camera – to take exterior pictures
  • Timing – Best time is weekdays between 10 AM and 4 PM

Between 10 AM and 4 PM, when people are typically at work, you’ll face fewer inquiries while taking pictures of houses.

Also, you want to drive at a time when there is plenty of daylight to assess the condition of the property.

Step 3. Look for Signs of Distress or Neglect

Drive slowly and safely through your target area, paying attention to signs of property neglect, distress, or possible vacancy.

Look for these signs of distress:

  • Roofs with holes or tarps
  • Broken or boarded windows
  • Busted shutters or torn blinds
  • Signs of hoarding
  • Overgrown lawns or shrubbery
  • Stuffed mailboxes or newspaper piles
  • Notices on doors or windows
  • Peeling paint
  • Fire damage
  • Window units
  • Parked cars in the yard
  • Cracks in the foundation
  • Sandbags or signs of flooding

An AC unit in the main window of a house could indicate an owner who can’t afford major repairs. Spotting multiple different satellite dishes on one building could help you uncover rental properties.

If you’re unsure about a property’s condition, be cautious and record the address and important details. Begin with a wide list of properties and narrow it down through research on the property and its owner.

Pro Tip: Look for seasonal clues like unshovelled snow or missing holiday decorations as well.

Step 4. Note Down Property Addresses and Take Pictures

It’s time to start building your list of motivated sellers that you can market to later on.

For any distressed property you find, you want to get the following information:

  • Complete property address
  • Exterior pictures of the property
  • Anything noteworthy about the property – loud music coming from the house, code violation notice on the door, etc.

Pro Tip: once you have completed your first Drive for Dollars, write down the time of the day you started and the time you ended your drive. Also, note the number of properties you identified during the drive.

This information will help you see over time how each of your drives has gone.

Step 5. Research the properties in your Driving for Dollars List

Once you have created your list, the next step is to search property records, which are typically accessible through public records. Visit your local county’s assessors and recorder’s website to gather more details about the property and its owner.

The information you want to look up is as follows:

  • Owner Name
  • Owner’s mailing address (if different from property address)
  • Previous sale price
  • Previous sale date
  • Ownership type – individual, LLC, or trust
  • Tax or public records

Based on the information you researched, remove any properties that don’t meet your criteria like:

  • Low equity
  • Bank owned
  • Properties only sold in the last year or so

Pro Tip: A homeowner who bought his property in the last year or two will likely be less motivated to sell than someone who has owned the property for 5-7 years or longer.

Step 6. Contact the property owner

Once you have selected the properties that meet your criteria, the next step is to begin marketing to their respective owners.

You can choose from one of the following marketing channels to contact the property owner:

  1. SMS
  2. Cold Calling
  3. Direct Mail
  4. Door Knocking
  5. Door Hanger

Pros and Cons of Different Marketing Channels

SMS and Cold Calling


  • Quick
  • Inexpensive
  • Easy


  • Turn off for most people to receive a cold text or call
  • Not being TCPA compliant can lead to lawsuits

Direct Mail


  • Personalized
  • Tangible format
  • Targeted marketing


  • Relatively more expensive
  • Response rate can be lower

Door Knocking and Door Hangers


  • Instant
  • Personal
  • Potentially build a great rapport


  • Not applicable for vacant properties
  • Time-consuming

How do I find a property owner’s phone number to send an SMS or call them?

To contact a property owner through SMS or phone call, you’ll need to find their phone number. You can use Whitepages or  Been Verified to find the property owner’s contact info.

Many successful real estate investors and business owners utilize Skip Tracing services to conveniently find phone numbers, email addresses, and more.

What is Skip Tracing?

Skip Tracing helps real estate investors locate a person’s contact details using their name and property address.

REsimpli has a built-in Skip Tracing platform that you can use to easily find out the property owner’s contact information.

Pro Tip: when sending Direct Mail, you want to make sure you send the postcard or letter to their mailing address and not the property’s address, which can be different.

What is Virtual Driving for Dollars?

What is Virtual Driving for Dollars

Virtual Driving for Dollars is similar to physically driving around a neighborhood to find distressed properties. However, instead of driving, you use Google and Street View images to assess the property’s condition by virtually exploring the neighborhood.

Is Virtual Driving for Dollars Effective?

While this offers convenience for property assessment from home, it relies on potentially outdated Google Street View images. These images might show signs of distress, like a tarp on the roof, but their age makes it uncertain if the property is still distressed or not.

Virtual Driving for Dollars

What’s the best way to handle Driving for Dollars?

There are a few Driving for Dollars Apps available for you to make the process an effective and efficient marketing source.

REsimpli has built-in Driving for Dollars features that cover the entire process, all in one place — the Driving for Dollars app. The great thing about the REsimpli app is that it’s fully integrated with List Stacking.

Here’s a quick video on how driving for dollars works in REsimpli:

Benefits of using a Driving for Dollars app like REsimpli

Benefits of using a Driving for Dollars app like REsimpli

Driving for Dollars can be an effective and affordable method for finding wholesale deals. However, doing it on a large scale can become inefficient. The REsimpli app streamlines the process, allowing you to perform all the necessary steps with just a few taps and keep everything organized.

  1. Look up complete property and owner information
  2. Saved driving and property history
  3. Add property images
  4. Skip Trace within the app
  5. Send a postcard with a property image from within the app
  6. Fully integrated with REsimpli List Stacking and CRM

1. Look up complete property and owner information

Just by one simple tap on your smartphone with the REsimpli app, you can look up complete property information like:

  • Owner’s name
  • Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Sq Ft., etc.
  • Estimated Value
  • Last Sale Date
  • Last Sale Price
Look up complete property and owner information

2. Saved driving and property history

With the REsimpli app, you have a complete history of all the driving routes you have completed and the properties you added during each drive.

With REsimpli driving route tracking, you can keep track of streets and neighborhoods you have already driven. This will prevent you from wasting any of your precious time and effort repeating the same route.

Saved driving and property history

3. Add property images

REsimpli’s app is fully integrated with Google Maps, so you can add Google Street View images without even pulling over and taking a picture of the property.

Add property images

You also have the option of adding a different image of the property if you don’t prefer to use the Google Street View image.

4. Skip Trace within the REsimpli app

Skip Trace within app

Skip Tracing is built right within REsimpli app for you to look up the property owner’s phone number and email address with a simple tap on your phone.

5. Send a postcard with a property image from within the app

Send postcard with property image from within the resimpli app

In addition, to Skip Tracing within the REsimpli app, you can also send a postcard to the property owners with a picture of the property in the postcard.

6. Fully integrated with REsimpli List Stacking and CRM

One of the most powerful features of the REsimpli app is that it is fully integrated with REsimpli List Stacking and REsimpli CRM.

As you can see from the image below, you find out instantly:

Having the above information helps you build a super-targeted marketing list and saves you marketing dollars by not marketing to anyone that’s already a lead or someone you have already marketed to.

resimpli driving for dollars app

In Conclusion

Driving for Dollars is an effective way to discover distressed properties, including vacant bank-owned homes, and uncover potential investment opportunities.

By making this approach a part of your daily routine, like during errands or walks, you can create a focused list of motivated sellers for your marketing efforts.

To optimize your efforts, consider using a dedicated app. This approach provides a significant advantage over other real estate investors who rely on traditional and inefficient methods.

The REsimpli app, integrated with REsimpli List Stacking and REsimpli CRM, empowers you to create a highly targeted marketing list and maximize your marketing budget to reach more motivated sellers.

If you’d like to learn more about REsimpli and its services, contact us for a demo.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the driving for dollars system?

driving for dollars system

Driving for dollars strategy is a real estate investment method where investors driving around a neighborhood looking for distressed or vacant properties, or properties that are in need of repair.

What is the conversion rate for driving for dollars?

Typically, running a successful driving for dollars campaign entails receiving a response from approximately 1% of the homeowners you reach out to, which translates to about 1-in-100 conversions.

What is List Stacking?

List Stacking

Have you wondered what list stacking is, and moreover, how to even get started? If so, you’re in the right place. This article provides an essential guide on what list stacking is, how you should stack your list and why you should be using this tried-and-true method beloved by real estate wholesalers and real estate investors alike.

What is list stacking?

List stacking is essentially when you take all your lists from different marketing channels and sources, and put them into a list stacking software like REsimpli. REsimpli takes all your lists and stacks them, thereby helping you build a more targeted marketing list.

The primary benefit of list stacking is the very “stacking” function, as it helps you build a very targeted marketing list by segmenting them according to different criteria and cross-referencing them. So, if you’re starting in real estate, you need to have an articulated marketing list because when you’re just starting, you’ll have more time available than money. Your resources when it comes to money are going to be limited, so you’re going to make sure you don’t blow it away with superfluous tools.

Pro Investor Tip: Do marketing to highly-targeted lists only, or you’ll quickly run out of funds!

How do you stack your list?

REsimpli is the best software for stacking your list. It’s easy to use and all-in-one so you can list stack along with utilizing several other features in tandem. For more detail, there are concise explanations of how to go about this on our YouTube channel.

Let’s get started:


The above image is a basic flowchart of list stacking when you’re using the feature, gleaned from multiple marketing lists.

You might use different marketing channels or sources to pull into your list. For example, you might be using a minor source, like Propstream,  you might be Driving for Dollars, you might be removing lists from your county register, or you might be using some other source to buy the inventory.

Here is a simple illustration of how REsimpli’s list stacking function works.

In this example, we’ve taken an absentee list with 4000 records, a probate list with about 3000 records, a pre-foreclosure list with another 3000 records, and a driving-for-dollar list with 1000 records. When they are combined, they give you 11,000 records. What we want to achieve is to have a targeted marketing list.

We start by adding the list on REsimpli. We achieve this by clicking browse, then choosing a pre-loaded file of absentee listings. The absentee list is in the left column of the spreadsheet.


First, there is a header column, and then the right column is how you want your header column from your file to be mapped while list stacking. You’ll notice that most fields already mapped both the first name and last name.

After uploading all the lists, REsimpli breaks them down into valid, invalid, duplicate, and updated sub-lists – the great thing about REsimpli is that we check against USPS to ensure they are valid addresses when we upload any list.

Based on our 4000 absentee records uploaded, 3559 are valid addresses, and two were updated from previous.

Let’s give a brief explanation of what “updated” means. For this purpose, “updated” means that those addresses were already on some of the other lists we’d preloaded into our system. The 34 duplicates were removed, and after that, we uploaded a Driving for Dollars list.


If you look closely at the image, no addresses were added, but 998 records were updated; there were no duplicates. This means that the 998 records already existed in the list, and it’s not adding them again.

We uploaded  3000 records for the pre-closure list, and there were no valid or invalid addresses. Therefore, we have 2977 updated addresses; 23 were duplicates. For the probate list, 3000 were uploaded, out of which 123  were valid addresses,  25 invalid addresses,  2831 were updated, and 21 duplicates.

REsimpli helps you eliminate duplicate lists by producing a stacked list of records. Many investors are successful because this is what they do; it’s so successful, it’s precisely what we do in our businesses. We pull lists from different sources. We use a list source propstream and driving for dollars, and then as we get our list, we ensure that before we do any marketing to them, we put them intp REsimpli, and then we could do direct mail to inform them that we would go in. This kind of fact and background checking is paramount to your business.

In conclusion, list stacking saves you a hundreds of dollars in marketing by producing a very targeted marketing list. As a result, you don’t have to waste your money and time by marketing to the same person multiple times. This also saves your image in the eyes of the seller.

REsimpli empowers you with real-time data to help you make better decisions which mean higher net profit. If you want to scale your business, contact us for a demo and a free 14-day trial.

List Stacking with REsimpli

List Stacking

Knowing who to market to can help real estate investors save time and money – one valuable process to use is list stacking. If you’d like to learn more, you can also watch this helpful video, or watch our newest product update about list stacking and driving for dollars below:

List stacking is a process that narrows down a list of owners using set parameters to identify duplicate listings and build a more targeted marketing list of motivated sellers. 

Let’s start with some basic questions:

  1. What is list stacking?
  2. Should you use this method in your business?
  3. How do you stack a list?

REsimpli list stacking extracts your overlapping leads. The system will consolidate your starting number to a more targeted marketing list.

For instance, if your total number of leads from various sources was 11,000, the list stacking feature in REsimpli could reduce this to over 4,000.


By finding these overlaps, you avoid duplicating your marketing efforts for the same person. Why is this important or beneficial? You are saving money!

The targeted marketing list built by this process allows you to use your resources more efficiently. Resources that can be focused on skip tracing these motivated owners, calling them, and sending them handwritten notes.

Step-By-Step Using REsimpli

Using REsimpli is straightforward and can be completed in a few steps.

  1. Click add on the List Stacking page
  2. Click browse file on the Import List page
  3. Select the file to add
  4. Map columns (last name, first name, mailing address, property address)
  5. Name list
  6. Click Submit to upload the list

The uploaded list gets checked against USPS to validate addresses. The system will identify and indicate how many of those addresses are:

  • Valid
  • Invalid
  • Updated
  • Duplicates

At the end of this process, the various lists you started with are consolidated and you are still reaching every single person from your lists. All without duplicating your efforts.

Have any remaining questions? REsimpli has answers! Contact us with queries or to request a personalized demo today.

Lead Flow for Real Estate Investors

Lead Flow for Real Estate Investors

Team members are an invaluable asset in real estate. With each member playing a specific role, the goal of closing more deals becomes easily attainable. More so, with the effective use of lead flow.

The lead flow process is about converting newly created leads to appointments. And the goal of these appointments is to get the property on a contract. It is attained with the expert skills of a lead manager and an acquisition manager. 

Here’s a straightforward walk-through of the lead flow process starting with the lead coming in through the final step of scheduling an appointment.

Breaking Down the Lead Flow Process

The steps in the lead flow process are clear and precise. And can be completed using REsimpli. Listed below are the steps involved.

  1. Incoming lead
  2. Call Porter
  3. Completion of REsimpli’s Webform
  4. Call with Lead Manager
  5. Appointment with Acquisition Manager

Continue reading for a brief description of each role and how to optimize the real estate lead flow process.

1. Incoming Lead

The lead flow process starts with marketing! And thanks to your (your team’s) marketing efforts there are incoming leads.

Regardless of the marketing route, Cold Calling, Pay-Per-Click, Direct Mail, and SMS, every lead goes through Call Porter.

SMS leads that desire to be removed from the listing will have the option to do so by leaving a voicemail message. These leads are the only ones that do not go through Call Porter.

2. Call Porter

REsimpli uses Call Porter, an answering service built exclusively for real estate investors.

Call Porter will answer the call from your incoming leads and ask the seller a series of “motivation” questions.

The motivation questions asked by Call Porter include:

  • Why are you looking to sell the house?
  • How soon are you looking to sell (30 days vs a year)?
  • Is the house vacant or occupied?
  • How much is the mortgage on the house?
  • What repairs does the house need?
  • Do you have a price that you are looking to sell the house for?

All information collected gets input into REsimpli’s web form. The form is submitted and creates a lead. Any additional information provided by the seller is entered on the form as notes.

3. Webform

While listed as an additional step, the web form process is actually completed by Call Porter. The information on the web form includes:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Lead source
  • When the lead was created
  • Property address
  • Motivation questions

4. Lead Flow Manager

The lead manager step entails reviewing the lead and calling the lead to schedule an appointment.

It is important to mention that all calls with Call Porter are recorded. This recording is reviewed by the lead manager to gain perspective on the seller. Because understanding the tone can help determine if an urgency to sell is present.

The main goal of the lead manager is to schedule an appointment between the seller and the acquisition manager. 

5. Appointment with Acquisition Manager

The lead flow process culminates with the appointment scheduled by the lead manager for the acquisition manager and the seller.

The goal for the acquisition manager is to successfully make an offer to get the property on a contract.

What makes this whole process successful is the thorough gathering and reporting of information with the use of REsimpli, the webform, the answering service, and the lead manager!

Interested in learning how REsimpli can help you do all this and more? Request a demo and get a free 14-day trial!

Real Estate Business Lead Flow from Start to Finish

Real Estate Business Lead Flow from Start to Finish

Learn how to use Sharad Mehta’s tried-and-true lead flow for maximizing your conversions and re-generating leads in your real estate business. In this video, he explains his method using his real estate software, REsimpli.

At the outset, he lists his marketing venues. In this case, PPC and SEO have their own inbound bucket, and Direct Mail, SMS, and Cold Calling have their own outbound bucket.


From there, these leads are categorized as “contacted” or “uncontacted”. Outbound marketing efforts can fall into either of the two, whereas PPC/SEO always fall under the “uncontacted” category, as they are incoming and online only.


These show up in similar categories in the REsimpli platform itself, making it easier to conceptualize the different stages of the lead generation process. The leads are then qualified, either by yourself, a team member, or your lead manager. These leads are either unqualified or qualified depending on criteria you can filter and set internally and on REsimpli.

If the lead is officially Qualified, REsimpli allows you to quickly and easily schedule an appointment using the online scheduler function. This is marked on your flow as Appointment Set.

If the lead is officially Unqualified, there’s two options: mark it as Unqualified then consider it a Dead Lead, or mark it as an Agent Referral. This can be tagged directly in REsimpli as a Warm Lead, thereby sending it to the agent and creating a task for your team to follow up. If the lead is marked as a Dead Lead, it is removed from the flow entirely.

When a lead is marked as Appointment Set, there are two possible options: the appointment is fulfilled or the appointment is not fulfilled. If the appointment is not fulfilled, REsimpli makes it simple and quick to set the lead up with a Drip Campaign specifically tailored for No Shows.


You can set up various automatic drip campaigns, including “missed call,” “no show,” and others. From there, you can further categorize the lead so far as scheduling tasks for your team to follow up, etc.

If the appointment is fulfilled, and the prospect is still deemed acceptable, you can then mark the lead in the Under Contract category which will allow you to fill out several criteria, including closing price, negotiation terms, and date.


If the deal is still under negotiation, you can easily mark the lead as Offer Made which will then allow you to fill out similar criteria, such as amount of offer, date of offer, and set automatic tasks like follow up and reminders.


If it’s a wholesale deal, the lead would be sent to your cash buyer and moved to Assigned to Buyer. Provided the criteria are set and met, the deal follows through as Sold. If the contract is sent to renegotiation, the sale flow restarts again either as Offer Made, Under Contract, or Dead Lead.

The best part about this deal flow is it’s manageable with or without a real estate software. Sharad, as an active real estate investor, formatted REsimpli’s sorting features after his own workflow with others’ real estate business in mind. Watch more in the video below:

Interested in seeing how else REsimpli can work for you? Request a demo and get a 14-day free trial.

Driving for Dollars and List Stacking Features Launched on REsimpli

Driving for Dollars and List Stacking Features Launched on REsimpli

HIGHLAND, IN, June 9, 2022 /CNW/ — REsimpli is thrilled to announce the addition of two new features as part of their subscription based service. Driving for Dollars, a route tracking feature for real estate wholesalers to document and contact unlisted or off-market houses, and List Stacking, available to import leads from several sources and categorize based on numerous features and criteria, launched on the app this past week.

REsimpli has been at the forefront of technology for real estate investors and managers alike. As a multi-national company with over 1,000 users and an affiliate program valued at over $800k, these recent additions to the app’s functionality are only the first in a line of planned updates and launches scheduled for 2023.

Owner and CEO of REsimpli, Sharad Mehta, says the technology came about when he sought a solution to his multi-platform problem. As an active real estate investor himself with over 600 deals to his name, he was “frustrated by the fact that I had to use multiple softwares to run one business and none of those softwares really spoke well with each other. There had to be a better way.” This philosophy informs REsimpli’s growth and goals for the Driving for Dollars and List Stacking feature releases and updates, and speaks to its intuitiveness and wide popularity with North American investors like Lilly Thompson and Devon Kennard.

About REsimpli

REsimpli is an all-in-one real estate software that requires little to no customization, so you can have your CRM powered up in minutes–simply sign up and start using. Our software, made specifically for real estate investors by real estate investors, includes features like calling, texting, list stacking, skip tracing, and more, all at the click of a button.

For further information: For media inquiries, please contact Social and Community Liaison, Madison McCarthy at

How to Use List Stacking with REsimpli

How to Use List Stacking with REsimpli

Sharad’s latest update details how he uses the REsimpli list stacking function with driving for dollars, direct mail, cold calling, and SMS in his real estate investment business.

Most Effective Ways to Use List Stacking in Real Estate

In the first video of this series, Sharad went into depth on his list sources and how he qualifies them. Absentee, Probate, Preforeclosure and Driving For Dollars lists are all included in his sources. The next steps after list stacking them?

1. Filter and Clean

Utilizing REsimpli’s built in functions, you can automatically filter based on several criteria, including duplicates and invalid addresses, and cross-reference that by ownership type, vacancy, and listing date. You’re also able to easily save searches and filter for future use.

2. Order Marketing

With REsimpli, ordering Direct Mail (or sending emails, SMS, and more) is as simple as the click of a button. You can pick order type, medium, dates, and even schedule recurring send outs. REsimpli also makes it easy to track and trace your mail and modify your contact information.

3. Leads & Return Mail

One thing’s for certain—no matter what tool you use, or what filters you have, return mail is constant. Using REsimpli’s filter options even after list stacking, you can easily ensure the sendees on your list are all accurate and up to date. Narrowing these down is essential to ensure the highest ROI for your business. Based on these filters, REsimpli will consistently scrub the list for you, eliminating the need for virtual assistants or expensive spreadsheet apps.

4. Follow Up

Depending on the responses, you’ll either have homeowners who are interested in selling,and those who aren’t. Having this list saved means you can directly edit the opt-in and opt-out communications of your contacts. REsimpli will automatically cross-reference your lists in your list stacking to ensure no duplicates come through, and that when someone opts out of one they opt out of all of them.

5. Real Time Updates

Any criteria you add to leads on REsimpli from now on that fall under these filters, including future opt in or opt out, are automatically considered in this list stacking functionality. Your lists will continually update unless your filters are changed, and thus your lists auto-populate according to many important criteria without you having to continually curate them.

Sharad’s use of many built-in functions means he has time for the things that count—like closing more deals. To learn more about how REsimpli can help you close more deals, faster, request a demo or contact us for support.

What is Driving For Dollars?

Route tracking, or “driving for dollars” (D4$) as it’s commonly known in the real estate business, is the more manual, direct approach to finding wholesale properties that are either off market or distressed. It’s exactly like it sounds—you or one of your team members drives around a prospective neighbourhood to find unique properties that are then put into lead lists.

This is often a very profitable, albeit time consuming method. D4$ has picked up popularity due to the return on investment. Oftentimes, while it can be more physically demanding and/or time consuming, the payout (be that short term or long term) is well worth your while.

Is Driving for Dollars really better than all my phone and email campaigns?

Driving for Dollars isn’t meant to replace or co-opt emails, phone, and direct mail campaigns. Instead, D4$ targets different areas and different types of homes. Specifically, this type of cataloguing means that you’re seeing homes that are pre-market or entirely off market. These are homes you might not otherwise be contacting via direct mail or drip campaigns. The numbers don’t lie—you’re making a sale for roughly every 200 homes you canvas.

Doesn’t D4$ give me a negative return, as I’m spending money and time on manpower and gas?

Not necessarily. While many people balk at the price of gas and cars and labour, it’s important to note that these costs can be compared to the similar expenses of printing, mailing, marketing, and more. The ROI of D4$ is significantly greater than that of mailing sequences. In most cases, driving for dollars produces a four-fold return on investment compared to mail sequences. Marketing in addition to driving for dollars, can help you save time and money in the long term.

REsimpli’s Driving for Dollars app utilizes many different technologies to help you make the biggest bang for your buck while implementing D4$. It can track your routes in real time, monitor zip codes, and ultimately target fresh, high yield areas so you can maximize your profits in less time. The best part? REsimpli’s Driving for Dollars app is integrated with the rest of REsimpli’s intuitive systems, so you don’t have to plug any additional information into yet another software after a long day of driving and cataloguing.

How To Make Sure You Never Let A Lead Fall Through The Cracks

How To Make Sure You Never Let A Lead Fall Through The Cracks

Sharad Mehta, owner and CEO of REsimpli, summarizes the way his company works with REsimpli to optimize lead scoring, tracking, and follow through.

real estate wholesale, REsimpli

Using the preloaded functions on REsimpli, you are able to see a high-level overview of your tasks due, open leads, and your internal inbox. The best way to make sure you don’t lose out on real estate wholesale leads? At the end of the day, ensure all these fields are as close to 0 as possible. Actionable items need to be dealt with and delegated ASAP, and hot leads can’t be waited on so they fizzle out.

real estate wholesale, REsimpli

Tasks Due: Tasks assigned to you within REsimpli show up under this module. This is easy to toggle through depending on team member and task type, as well as due date. The best way to ensure all tasks are done is to delegate them if they aren’t feasible, or to adjust the due dates to best reflect bandwidth. Minor house-keeeping, including fixing due dates or marking tasks as “completed” are necessary to ensure proper workflow and to follow up and optimize leads.

real estate wholesaling leads

Open Leads: Open Leads are any new marketing or self-sourced leads that have been imported into REsimpli. These are automatically categorized based on several customizable fields, including unqualified, uncontacted, and dead leads. The only leads that will show up as Open Leads on this dashboard are those that are newly imported and uncontacted (No Contact Made), leads that have contacted you and are awaiting a response (Contact Made), or even dead leads that have recently contacted you as well (Dead Leads). Leads that have unfinished appointments (Appointments Set) or those that are with an agent (Referred to Agent) also show up on this dashboard. These can be cleared by archiving those that require no more attention, delegating them to whomever they are referred to, or actioning those leads and contacting them appropriately. Once leads are contacted through REsimpli, they are automatically unmarked as an open lead–it’s only when action is taken externally that they need to be manually archived or changed.

real estate wholesale, REsimpli

Internal Inbox: The Internal Inbox is the communication between team members regarding tasks and deliverables. These are resolved by simply clicking on the option or replying to the message. All teams use this function differently, but this is often where team members go for second opinions, so the importance of having this as a 0 on your dashboard means you’re not bottle necking any deals or disrupting workflow. The best way to optimize leads is to ensure your team communication is as transparent as possible.

New Features

There are several product features for this dashboard in the pipeline–specifically, filter for preset or custom time period. This information is accessible by clicking on each module as they are, but ultimately this filter will streamline that process and increase your real estate wholesale profitability and accountability.

Watch the entire video below, or on YouTube, for more tips and tricks as well as a Q&A from new and old REsimpli users alike. Better yet, join our Mastermind for Real Estate Wholesalers Facebook group.

About the Author

Sharad Mehta is the owner and CEO of REsimpli. As an active investor in northwest Indiana, Sharad mostly deals in fix-and-flip to retail buyers or rental and property management. REsimpli’s conception came from the lack of inclusive, comprehensive software for tracking the many needs of real estate wholesale. He set out to develop a CRM to manage all his properties and his business. REsimpli’s intuitive, click-and-go CRM makes all your bases are covered, from list stacking, direct mail, cold calling, and more. It also includes functionality PPC tracking, direct mail, SMS, and other external advertising.

What is Real Estate Wholesaling?

What is Real Estate Wholesaling?

Much safer than stocks and bonds, real estate wholesaling and investing provides a much more tangible opportunity to grow your personal wealth and secure your financial future. Whereas stocks and bonds are volatile and subject to the market and DOW, real estate is a secure financial investment as it is a human necessity. Want to learn more about how to wholesale real estate, and where to get started? Read on as we detail the ins and outs of real estate wholesaling, and how it differs from other types of real estate investment.

Real estate wholesaling is when a wholesaler contracts a home with a seller, then finds an interested party to buy it. Essentially, the wholesaler acts as an intermediary, finding a seller to buy the deed before the house even hits market, or is off-market. The real estate market is currently very amenable to this kind of selling model – the real estate market valuation in the United States alone has increased by 3.8% consistently over the last three years and is expected to increase still by 3.4% in 2022.

How does real estate wholesaling work?

Real estate wholesaling, unlike its well-known retail counterpart, does not involve large quantity buys. If anything, it involves better quality buys.

Real estate wholesalers sell a home to a buyer before the original homeowner’s contract expires. This is a great short-term solution as no money moves hands between the wholesaler and the seller, at least until the wholesaler finds a customer. The profit earned by the wholesaler is the difference between the price paid by the buyer and the price paid by the wholesaler.

The first step in wholesaling is to identify the ideal property. Homeowners who own distressed properties or off-market homes are often eager to sell and make excellent prospects. These homes can be highly appealing to potential investors, especially if they are in a good location, have desirable amenities, and are priced appropriately. Before you make an offer, consider what repairs or expansions the house will require.

The key to wholesaling is to include a contingency in the purchase contract that permits the distributor to pull out if they cannot locate a buyer before the planned closing date. The wholesaler’s risk is thereby reduced, making an even greater case for wholesaling.

What’s the difference between real estate wholesaling and flipping?

Flipping and wholesaling share a similar framework, with some key differences.

  1. The time frame for wholesaling is substantially shorter. The wholesaler often makes no repairs or alterations to the house, instead passing that responsibility to the prospective buyer.
  2. Real estate wholesaling is also far less dangerous than flipping because the wholesaler never actually buys a home. The latter frequently entails renovations as well as ongoing expenses like a mortgage, property taxes, and insurance. Wholesaling is a safe alternative as it essentially includes location services and acts almost as a brokerage.
  3. Real estate wholesaling also requires far less money than flipping. Earnest money deposits on a few properties are usually enough. The wholesaler’s market knowledge and connections to investors are essential for speedy sales.

How can I break into real estate wholesaling?

While the market is hot and interest in real estate is high, it’s important to ensure you are equipped with the right tools and know how to enter the industry successfully. Wholesaling is relatively safe as compared to other investment options, but investment properties are still large purchases.

It might be hard to find “the right kind” of property, or to juggle prospective buyers, sellers, and connect the two. Real estate investment software, like REsimpli, allows you to easily list and monitor properties so deals can be closed faster, more efficiently, and through a variety of mediums. SMS, email, and mojo dialer capabilities are all included in real estate customer management software.

To learn more about how REsimpli can help you find properties, sellers, and to close more deals faster, request a free demo with one of our experienced agents.