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How to use a real estate drip campaign

What is a real estate drip campaign?

Real Estate Drip Campaign consists series of customized, scheduled, and automated contact activities, or drips, that investors use to optimize lead follow-up. Each activity is scheduled and executed without additional work from the real estate investor.

From automated calls and SMS to ringless voicemails and automated email marketing, the scheduled activities take place over time, a little here, a little there, like a dripping faucet.

REsimpli users can choose from a variety of real estate drip campaign templates or create customized marketing campaigns. Streamline follow-up and build better relationships.

Stop missing out on potential motivated seller leads. Set up drips to work for you.

Miracle deals happen: an investor is in just the right place, at just the right time, and meets an extremely motivated seller who is ready to sell nowTrue success, however, doesn’t come from closing one miraculous deal.

To unlock real success and sustainable business growth in real estate, investors need to close great deals consistently.

Locating target properties is just the first step. The key to real estate success is consistent, quality lead follow-up.

Discover the power of lead follow-up and drip campaigns.

Did you know that only 2% of sales occur during the first contact with a lead? Out of all of the first phone calls that investors make, or direct mailers they send, only 2% of those contact attempts lead to our s0-called “miracle deals.”

Real Estate Drip Campaign


Real estate is a numbers game.

Let’s break it down:

If you were to send out 10,000 Direct Mail pieces, you may hear back from 100 people. Of the 100 people that do call back, you might get incredibly lucky and speak with one or two ready-to-sell motivated homeowners and close one deal.

If you don’t follow up with the other 99 leads, you could be leaving a lot of money on the table.

Let’s do some quick maths with two scenarios.

First scenario: You spent $5,000 in Direct Mail marketing and landed one deal. Considering your average revenue per deal is $15,000, your ROI would be:

Return on Investment (ROI) = $15000/$5000=3x
Cost per Deal = $5000/1= $5000

What if you were able to close one extra deal from the same campaign without spending any extra money?

Let’s do the math again…

Second Scenario: You spent $5000 on direct mail. You closed 2 deals this time and made a revenue of 2*$15000=$30000

Return on Investment (ROI) = $30000/$5000= 6x
Cost per Deal = $5000/2= $2500

Converting one extra deal means doubling down your ROI and cutting down your Cost per Deal to half.

This is where the power of drip campaign comes in. It helps you convert more deals from your existing 99 leads by automating the follow-up process eventually resulting in much higher ROI.

Pro Investor Tip: To run successful drips, make sure you’re not missing leads through the cracks.

How many lead follow-up attempts should you make?

The number of deals real estate investors close directly correlates to the number of contact attempts they make. Whether contacting past clients or leads from your target audience, the lead response rate increases the more you reach out.

real estate success rates compared to lead contact attempts:

  • 1st attempt: 2%
  • 2nd attempt: 3%
  • 3rd attempt: 5%
  • 4th attempt: 10%
How Real Estate Drip Campaign works

Investors start to really see success rates grow after their fifth contact attempt. In fact, 80% of deals occur between the 5th and 12th attempts.

If you give up on a lead too early, it could cost you, and your small business, big time.

How many real estate investors follow up with leads?

When a lead comes in, a switch flips in the minds of most investors: it’s all about the money. The faster you reach out to a motivated seller, the higher the likelihood that you’ll close a deal.

You would think that all investors have fast fingers and are quick to call leads back, but that isn’t the case.

44% of investors never follow up with prospects, and 25% give up after the second attempt. 12% of investors make three contact attempts or more, with only 8% of all investors contacting leads five times or more, even though the majority of deals close after five or more attempts.

Why don’t investors follow up with leads?

Investors may not touch base with leads for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • They have a fear of rejection.
  • They lack automated tools.
  • They have a difficult sales plan in place.
  • They have a small business without enough help.

If you miss the initial call from a lead, reconnecting can be difficult, but the investors with the most success are persistent.

They keep calling. They send direct mail. They follow up, and then they do it again.

Over and over.

Investors reach out to leads consistently, or they set up a drip campaign to do the hard work for them.

 real estate drip campaign examples

real estate drip campaign examples


Outperform competitors with REsimpli real estate drip campaigns.

Although it can feel disheartening, to reach out repeatedly with no response, investors who reach out to non-responsive leads consistently have an advantage over investors who give up quickly.

Swooping in on the competition’s missed opportunities is a great way to become the foremost investor in a seller’s mind, but who has the time to make hundreds of phone calls each day or design, print, and send dozens of direct mailers each week?

What is Automated real estate drip campaigns?

Automated real estate campaigns consists series of customized, scheduled, and automated contact activities, or drips, that investors use to optimize lead follow-up. Each activity is scheduled and executed without additional work from the real estate investor.

From automated calls and SMS to ringless voicemails and automated Email campaign for real estate agents, the scheduled activities take place over time, a little here, a little there, like a dripping faucet.

REsimpli users can choose from a variety of drip campaign templates or create customized marketing campaigns. Streamline follow-up and build better relationships.

Stop missing out on potential motivated seller leads. Set up drips to work for you.

Drip campaigns are part of the sales team.

A drip campaign acts like an automated salesperson that works on your behalf, 24-7. They identify what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and make it happen.

Picture an automated virtual assistant with access to your marketing strategy, to-do list, specific instructions, and infinite energy

With REsimpli’s built-in automated drip campaigns, busy real estate investors can set it and forget it.

The sequence you set continues to work for you, even when you’re not around. Using automated drips, you can keep up with leads and drive traffic to your business, even when you’re away from your desk or out of the office entirely.

You may not have time to individually SMS 998 leads, but REsimpli does.

What is a drip sequence?

A campaign’s drip sequence is the sequence that automated software follows; it is the order of events in a drip campaign. If the campaign is a faucet, each drip in the sequence is an additional attempt to reach the seller, slowly but steadily continuing over time.

You may be waiting to hear back on an offer, for example, but aren’t having luck getting in touch with the owner. Set up a chronological sequence of contact activities and reminders, to ensure that the lead doesn’t get lost or forgotten and that no deals fall through the cracks

What actions do drip campaigns include?

Most investors create sequences that include multiple different contact methods. The most common drip campaign activities include phone call reminders, SMS, ringless voicemail, direct mail, and email drip campaigns.

Investors choose which communications to include in the campaign and in which order by assigning leads to a particular campaign.

Are email drip campaigns effective?

While email drip campaigns are popular marketing efforts in many industries, real estate investors have more success with telephone calls, SMS, and direct mail than email automation.

How do you use a drip campaign?

How do you use a drip campaign

When a new lead comes in, the first thing you want to do is add the lead to a drip campaign, either by selecting an existing campaign or by creating one of your own.

In addition to new leads, drips are also powerful tools for continuing communication efforts with homeowners you’ve spoken with before but who are not responding now.

REsimpli users can assign a new lead to a campaign in just a few steps.

Real Estate Drip Campaign, REsimpli


Step 1: Open the lead.

Search for the lead in your system to open and locate existing leads. If the lead doesn’t exist already, create a new lead with the information you have.

Step 2: Skip trace for missing property information.

Skip trace the lead to fill in missing property information, such as missing phone numbers or an absent mailing address.

For example, you may have received a missed call, but the owner’s not responding to return calls. Skip trace to find an updated email address or current mailing address so you can attempt to contact via other methods.

Step 3: Add the lead to a campaign.

Depending on the level of communication you’ve had with a seller, your contact needs will change. For example, you’d communicate differently with a seller that you’ve made an offer to than you would if you were following up regarding an appointment.

Common campaign name examples include: Real estate drip campaign sample

  • Made Offer-No Response
  • Reschedule Appointment-No Response
  • Website Lead
  • Direct Mail Lead
  • Long-Term Follow-up

Select an existing campaign that suits the lead type and current situation. The actions detailed in the campaign sequence will automatically be applied to the new lead.

Step 4: Set the campaign’s start and end date.

Determine when the first and last drip action will take place, as well as the frequency of actions in-between.

If you don’t want the first action to take place immediately, add a delay. A delay of one week, for example, tells the CRM to kick off the campaign in one week.

Step 5: Set it and forget it

Confirm the details of your campaign, and you’re done! You’ll receive automated task reminders when it’s time to give the lead a call. As REsimpli completes scheduled activities, the system tracks the lead status, contact attempts, and any notes added along the way.

If you receive a no-contact request from a homeowner, simply remove the lead from the assigned campaign.

Creating new customized drip campaigns

In addition to assigning leads to created campaigns, REsimpli users can create new custom campaigns designed to fit the homeowner’s contact preferences and communication style, as well as the investor’s objective.

To create a new campaign, open a lead. Instead of attaching the lead to an existing campaign, create a new drip campaign instead.

Naming new campaigns

Give new campaigns an informative name, making it easy to identify the purpose and target of the drip.

example campaign names include:

  • No name/No Address: A call came in, but you have no name or address for the caller.
  • Text drip campaign real estate: You received a lead text, but have not had direct contact yet.
  • Contact made-No Appointment: You have spoken with the lead, but have not scheduled an appointment.
  • Offer-Went Dark: You made the homeowner an offer, but have not heard back yet.

Setting up the campaign’s sequence

Select the first action you want to attach to the lead and schedule it.

For example, you may want to give the lead a follow-up call in one week. If so, select a telephone call as the first action in the sequence. Next, confirm the date and time for the call. As the scheduled drip approaches, REsimpli will send you call reminders.

If you’ve already had contact with a homeowner, and are calling to follow up, add any relevant lead notes to remind you of important details to cover during the call or to remind you of previous discussions. Lead notes make it easy to keep track of and share lead details with your team.

Scheduling automated drips

In addition to sending automated call reminders, REsimpli automatically completes a variety of contact attempts on your behalf.

automated drip Actions include:

  1. Text messages
  2. Direct Mailers
  3. Ringless Voicemails
  4. Automated emails
  5. Additional task reminders

Select the next action you want to add to the sequence. Select the date, time, and frequency that you would like the automated action to occur. At the scheduled time, REsimpli completes the action and logs drip activity in the CRM.

Detailing campaign parameters

In addition to selecting the date and time that drip actions will take place, REsimpli users are in complete control of how and when the campaign occurs.
Fully customizable, the CRM allows you to set a variety of drip parameters, such as:

  • Delay duration
  • Msg frequency
  • Office hours/availability
  • Duration of campaign
  • When/where calls are routed

Tell the system to skip holidays and weekends so you don’t bother homeowners over the holidays or during weekend family time. If the drip falls on a holiday, REsimpli reschedules it to take place on the next business day instead.

Personalizing your drip campaign

Select SMS text or email body from preloaded templates and select which lead details you would like to pre-populate into your message from the message field list. There are a variety of pre-populated message fields users can add, including:

  • First name,
  • Last name,
  • Date,
  • Property Address, and more.

Select from the list of built-in message options, or write your own messages, designed to appeal to the type of seller you’re targeting.

Personalized marketing text messages

If you receive a missed call from a no-name lead, your SMS copy may look something like this:

“Hello, this is Robin. I’m sorry I missed your call. I’m just curious if you had any interest in selling your property? If not, my apologies for disturbing you.”

If you’ve made an offer to a lead, but then they went dark, your SMS will likely include a more detailed message, such as:

“Hi, Tom. It’s Robin from Max House Buyer. Have you had a chance to think about the offer I made for you recently? I’m still VERY interested in the property on Dealing Avenue. If you’re ready to sell, give me a call at 555-323-2232. If you’re still thinking things over, no biggie.”

What sequence should drip campaigns follow?

Campaign sequences vary depending on the type of seller you’re trying to contact and the contact information available in the lead.

Choose the right contact methods.

If the lead includes a landline number and mailing address, but not a cell number, you wouldn’t add text messages to the sequence. You would include call task reminders and direct mail instead.

Are you contacting a lead for the first time? Consider starting with a welcome call reminder, followed by an SMS, and then a direct mailer. Leave a ringless voicemail for the homeowner before starting the cycle again.

Schedule subsequent contact attempts in intervals so that you stay top of mind with homeowners without getting on their nerves

Create specialized campaigns.

Investors can create as many campaigns as they want, adjusting the action sequence, changing message text, and tweaking important elements as needed.

Professional investors tend to work with a multitude of campaigns to target different audiences (e.g., motivated sellers, clients, or first-time homebuyers). A portion of their drips are often highly specialized; they were created for a specific purpose, and are only used to reach a target audience or specific property owner type.

How are drip actions triggered?

Typically, all drip actions are executed on the date and time that they were scheduled to occur (unless affected by a holiday or similar circumstance). Some drip campaigns, however, may be affected by the seller’s actions or behavior.

If a lead receives an automated SMS and responds with a request to opt-out, the investor is notified and can remove the lead from the remainder of the automated SMS sequence.

If a homeowner shows interest in a recent piece of marketing or an offer, but never answers return calls and gets annoyed when you text, switch up the game plan.

Remove the lead from the remaining SMS sequence, and consider trying drip emails instead. Keep the homeowner warm with lead nurturing emails, reminding them of their current opportunity and the interested buyers excited to hear from them.

How successful are drip campaigns?

70-75% of REsimpli users report success closing deals as a result of consistent follow-up. At Max House Buyers, LLC, 2.5 deals are closed each month as a result of follow-up from their drip campaigns.

But don’t take our word for it…

Utilizing drip campaigns give investors a massive advantage over real others who are contacting leads manually.

Take it from Ryan, an investor with Crushing REI and Lakeshore Home Buyer, who has a lot of experience working with different CRMs.

Like many investors, Ryan struggled to keep up with leads for years. He wasn’t busy closing deals, so he had the time, but he was still struggling to stay in touch with leads. After switching to REsimpli, and harnessing the power of automated drips, Ryan pulls in dozens of new leads each week. He’s consistent, he’s organized, and he’s closing major deals.

As of August, Ryan has already closed four deals this year, earning $50,000 so far in 2022 alone. He’s turned cold leads into warm leads, warm leads into hot leads, and hot leads into deals, with just a few clicks.

After a lead from 2021 canceled their appointment, Ryan was having trouble reaching the once motivated seller, Chris. After adding Chris to an automated drip, Ryan received an enthusiastic response to his 5th SMS message and closed a $26,900 deal.

“Would I have got that deal if I didn’t put Chris on a drip campaign? Probably not. It’s all about timing with motivated sellers and if you miss out on that timing you often times miss out on the deal. Chris was talking to a few other “we buy houses” companies and it was my quick response and competitive offer that won him over.” – Ryan

Optimize lead management with REsimpli

The only all-in-one CRM for real estate investors, REsimpli users have access to customizable drip campaigns, skip tracing tools, a built-in Driving for Dollars app, and so much more. A comprehensive business management system, REsimpli was created by real estate investors for real estate investors to help you through every step of the sales journey

Keep track of new contacts, existing contacts, buyer leads, real estate leads, property sales, contact attempts, and more–all in one place.

REsimpli users can quickly identify different drip campaigns to—

  1. Track lead activity, 
  2. Analyze channel performance, 
  3. Identify successful campaigns, and 
  4. Maximize their marketing budget.

Organize your seller leads with drip tags, helping you categorize and track different lead and seller types. Thanks to REsimpli’s new Webform integration, you can now add lead tags and assign Webform leads to drip campaigns automatically through the CRM.

With automated drip marketing campaigns and completely customizable templates, REsimpli users create drips that fit their needs and business goals. Use built-in system tools, or build your own.

REsimpli’s automated services to work on your behalf so you can leave work at work when you depart the office for the day.

Keep your offer top of mind using REsimpli, the real estate CRM with drip campaign technology

Get Started For Free

What is List Stacking?

List Stacking

Have you wondered what list stacking is, and moreover, how to even get started? If so, you’re in the right place. This article provides an essential guide on what list stacking is, how you should stack your list and why you should be using this tried-and-true method beloved by real estate wholesalers and real estate investors alike.

What is list stacking?

List stacking is essentially when you take all your lists from different marketing channels and sources, and put them into a list stacking software like REsimpli. REsimpli takes all your lists and stacks them, thereby helping you build a more targeted marketing list.

The primary benefit of list stacking is the very “stacking” function, as it helps you build a very targeted marketing list by segmenting them according to different criteria and cross-referencing them. So, if you’re starting in real estate, you need to have an articulated marketing list because when you’re just starting, you’ll have more time available than money. Your resources when it comes to money are going to be limited, so you’re going to make sure you don’t blow it away with superfluous tools.

Pro Investor Tip: Do marketing to highly-targeted lists only, or you’ll quickly run out of funds!

How do you stack your list?

REsimpli is the best software for stacking your list. It’s easy to use and all-in-one so you can list stack along with utilizing several other features in tandem. For more detail, there are concise explanations of how to go about this on our YouTube channel.

Let’s get started:


The above image is a basic flowchart of list stacking when you’re using the feature, gleaned from multiple marketing lists.

You might use different marketing channels or sources to pull into your list. For example, you might be using a minor source, like Propstream,  you might be Driving for Dollars, you might be removing lists from your county register, or you might be using some other source to buy the inventory.

Here is a simple illustration of how REsimpli’s list stacking function works.

In this example, we’ve taken an absentee list with 4000 records, a probate list with about 3000 records, a pre-foreclosure list with another 3000 records, and a driving-for-dollar list with 1000 records. When they are combined, they give you 11,000 records. What we want to achieve is to have a targeted marketing list.

We start by adding the list on REsimpli. We achieve this by clicking browse, then choosing a pre-loaded file of absentee listings. The absentee list is in the left column of the spreadsheet.


First, there is a header column, and then the right column is how you want your header column from your file to be mapped while list stacking. You’ll notice that most fields already mapped both the first name and last name.

After uploading all the lists, REsimpli breaks them down into valid, invalid, duplicate, and updated sub-lists – the great thing about REsimpli is that we check against USPS to ensure they are valid addresses when we upload any list.

Based on our 4000 absentee records uploaded, 3559 are valid addresses, and two were updated from previous.

Let’s give a brief explanation of what “updated” means. For this purpose, “updated” means that those addresses were already on some of the other lists we’d preloaded into our system. The 34 duplicates were removed, and after that, we uploaded a Driving for Dollars list.


If you look closely at the image, no addresses were added, but 998 records were updated; there were no duplicates. This means that the 998 records already existed in the list, and it’s not adding them again.

We uploaded  3000 records for the pre-closure list, and there were no valid or invalid addresses. Therefore, we have 2977 updated addresses; 23 were duplicates. For the probate list, 3000 were uploaded, out of which 123  were valid addresses,  25 invalid addresses,  2831 were updated, and 21 duplicates.

REsimpli helps you eliminate duplicate lists by producing a stacked list of records. Many investors are successful because this is what they do; it’s so successful, it’s precisely what we do in our businesses. We pull lists from different sources. We use a list source propstream and driving for dollars, and then as we get our list, we ensure that before we do any marketing to them, we put them intp REsimpli, and then we could do direct mail to inform them that we would go in. This kind of fact and background checking is paramount to your business.

In conclusion, list stacking saves you a hundreds of dollars in marketing by producing a very targeted marketing list. As a result, you don’t have to waste your money and time by marketing to the same person multiple times. This also saves your image in the eyes of the seller.

REsimpli empowers you with real-time data to help you make better decisions which mean higher net profit. If you want to scale your business, contact us for a demo and a free 14-day trial.

List Stacking with REsimpli

List Stacking

Knowing who to market to can help real estate investors save time and money – one valuable process to use is list stacking. If you’d like to learn more, you can also watch this helpful video, or watch our newest product update about list stacking and driving for dollars below:

List stacking is a process that narrows down a list of owners using set parameters to identify duplicate listings and build a more targeted marketing list of motivated sellers. 

Let’s start with some basic questions:

  1. What is list stacking?
  2. Should you use this method in your business?
  3. How do you stack a list?

REsimpli list stacking extracts your overlapping leads. The system will consolidate your starting number to a more targeted marketing list.

For instance, if your total number of leads from various sources was 11,000, the list stacking feature in REsimpli could reduce this to over 4,000.


By finding these overlaps, you avoid duplicating your marketing efforts for the same person. Why is this important or beneficial? You are saving money!

The targeted marketing list built by this process allows you to use your resources more efficiently. Resources that can be focused on skip tracing these motivated owners, calling them, and sending them handwritten notes.

Step-By-Step Using REsimpli

Using REsimpli is straightforward and can be completed in a few steps.

  1. Click add on the List Stacking page
  2. Click browse file on the Import List page
  3. Select the file to add
  4. Map columns (last name, first name, mailing address, property address)
  5. Name list
  6. Click Submit to upload the list

The uploaded list gets checked against USPS to validate addresses. The system will identify and indicate how many of those addresses are:

  • Valid
  • Invalid
  • Updated
  • Duplicates

At the end of this process, the various lists you started with are consolidated and you are still reaching every single person from your lists. All without duplicating your efforts.

Have any remaining questions? REsimpli has answers! Contact us with queries or to request a personalized demo today.

Lead Flow for Real Estate Investors

Lead Flow for Real Estate Investors

Team members are an invaluable asset in real estate. With each member playing a specific role, the goal of closing more deals becomes easily attainable. More so, with the effective use of lead flow.

The lead flow process is about converting newly created leads to appointments. And the goal of these appointments is to get the property on a contract. It is attained with the expert skills of a lead manager and an acquisition manager. 

Here’s a straightforward walk-through of the lead flow process starting with the lead coming in through the final step of scheduling an appointment.

Breaking Down the Lead Flow Process

The steps in the lead flow process are clear and precise. And can be completed using REsimpli. Listed below are the steps involved.

  1. Incoming lead
  2. Call Porter
  3. Completion of REsimpli’s Webform
  4. Call with Lead Manager
  5. Appointment with Acquisition Manager

Continue reading for a brief description of each role and how to optimize the real estate lead flow process.

1. Incoming Lead

The lead flow process starts with marketing! And thanks to your (your team’s) marketing efforts there are incoming leads.

Regardless of the marketing route, Cold Calling, Pay-Per-Click, Direct Mail, and SMS, every lead goes through Call Porter.

SMS leads that desire to be removed from the listing will have the option to do so by leaving a voicemail message. These leads are the only ones that do not go through Call Porter.

2. Call Porter

REsimpli uses Call Porter, an answering service built exclusively for real estate investors.

Call Porter will answer the call from your incoming leads and ask the seller a series of “motivation” questions.

The motivation questions asked by Call Porter include:

  • Why are you looking to sell the house?
  • How soon are you looking to sell (30 days vs a year)?
  • Is the house vacant or occupied?
  • How much is the mortgage on the house?
  • What repairs does the house need?
  • Do you have a price that you are looking to sell the house for?

All information collected gets input into REsimpli’s web form. The form is submitted and creates a lead. Any additional information provided by the seller is entered on the form as notes.

3. Webform

While listed as an additional step, the web form process is actually completed by Call Porter. The information on the web form includes:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Lead source
  • When the lead was created
  • Property address
  • Motivation questions

4. Lead Flow Manager

The lead manager step entails reviewing the lead and calling the lead to schedule an appointment.

It is important to mention that all calls with Call Porter are recorded. This recording is reviewed by the lead manager to gain perspective on the seller. Because understanding the tone can help determine if an urgency to sell is present.

The main goal of the lead manager is to schedule an appointment between the seller and the acquisition manager. 

5. Appointment with Acquisition Manager

The lead flow process culminates with the appointment scheduled by the lead manager for the acquisition manager and the seller.

The goal for the acquisition manager is to successfully make an offer to get the property on a contract.

What makes this whole process successful is the thorough gathering and reporting of information with the use of REsimpli, the webform, the answering service, and the lead manager!

Interested in learning how REsimpli can help you do all this and more? Request a demo and get a free 14-day trial!

How to Use List Stacking with REsimpli

How to Use List Stacking with REsimpli

Sharad’s latest update details how he uses the REsimpli list stacking function with driving for dollars, direct mail, cold calling, and SMS in his real estate investment business.

Most Effective Ways to Use List Stacking in Real Estate

In the first video of this series, Sharad went into depth on his list sources and how he qualifies them. Absentee, Probate, Preforeclosure and Driving For Dollars lists are all included in his sources. The next steps after list stacking them?

1. Filter and Clean

Utilizing REsimpli’s built in functions, you can automatically filter based on several criteria, including duplicates and invalid addresses, and cross-reference that by ownership type, vacancy, and listing date. You’re also able to easily save searches and filter for future use.

2. Order Marketing

With REsimpli, ordering Direct Mail (or sending emails, SMS, and more) is as simple as the click of a button. You can pick order type, medium, dates, and even schedule recurring send outs. REsimpli also makes it easy to track and trace your mail and modify your contact information.

3. Leads & Return Mail

One thing’s for certain—no matter what tool you use, or what filters you have, return mail is constant. Using REsimpli’s filter options even after list stacking, you can easily ensure the sendees on your list are all accurate and up to date. Narrowing these down is essential to ensure the highest ROI for your business. Based on these filters, REsimpli will consistently scrub the list for you, eliminating the need for virtual assistants or expensive spreadsheet apps.

4. Follow Up

Depending on the responses, you’ll either have homeowners who are interested in selling,and those who aren’t. Having this list saved means you can directly edit the opt-in and opt-out communications of your contacts. REsimpli will automatically cross-reference your lists in your list stacking to ensure no duplicates come through, and that when someone opts out of one they opt out of all of them.

5. Real Time Updates

Any criteria you add to leads on REsimpli from now on that fall under these filters, including future opt in or opt out, are automatically considered in this list stacking functionality. Your lists will continually update unless your filters are changed, and thus your lists auto-populate according to many important criteria without you having to continually curate them.

Sharad’s use of many built-in functions means he has time for the things that count—like closing more deals. To learn more about how REsimpli can help you close more deals, faster, request a demo or contact us for support.

What is Driving For Dollars?

Route tracking, or “driving for dollars” (D4$) as it’s commonly known in the real estate business, is the more manual, direct approach to finding wholesale properties that are either off market or distressed. It’s exactly like it sounds—you or one of your team members drives around a prospective neighbourhood to find unique properties that are then put into lead lists.

This is often a very profitable, albeit time consuming method. D4$ has picked up popularity due to the return on investment. Oftentimes, while it can be more physically demanding and/or time consuming, the payout (be that short term or long term) is well worth your while.

Is Driving for Dollars really better than all my phone and email campaigns?

Driving for Dollars isn’t meant to replace or co-opt emails, phone, and direct mail campaigns. Instead, D4$ targets different areas and different types of homes. Specifically, this type of cataloguing means that you’re seeing homes that are pre-market or entirely off market. These are homes you might not otherwise be contacting via direct mail or drip campaigns. The numbers don’t lie—you’re making a sale for roughly every 200 homes you canvas.

Doesn’t D4$ give me a negative return, as I’m spending money and time on manpower and gas?

Not necessarily. While many people balk at the price of gas and cars and labour, it’s important to note that these costs can be compared to the similar expenses of printing, mailing, marketing, and more. The ROI of D4$ is significantly greater than that of mailing sequences. In most cases, driving for dollars produces a four-fold return on investment compared to mail sequences. Marketing in addition to driving for dollars, can help you save time and money in the long term.

REsimpli’s Driving for Dollars app utilizes many different technologies to help you make the biggest bang for your buck while implementing D4$. It can track your routes in real time, monitor zip codes, and ultimately target fresh, high yield areas so you can maximize your profits in less time. The best part? REsimpli’s Driving for Dollars app is integrated with the rest of REsimpli’s intuitive systems, so you don’t have to plug any additional information into yet another software after a long day of driving and cataloguing.

What is Real Estate Wholesaling?

What is Real Estate Wholesaling?

Much safer than stocks and bonds, real estate wholesaling and investing provides a much more tangible opportunity to grow your personal wealth and secure your financial future. Whereas stocks and bonds are volatile and subject to the market and DOW, real estate is a secure financial investment as it is a human necessity. Want to learn more about how to wholesale real estate, and where to get started? Read on as we detail the ins and outs of real estate wholesaling, and how it differs from other types of real estate investment.

Real estate wholesaling is when a wholesaler contracts a home with a seller, then finds an interested party to buy it. Essentially, the wholesaler acts as an intermediary, finding a seller to buy the deed before the house even hits market, or is off-market. The real estate market is currently very amenable to this kind of selling model – the real estate market valuation in the United States alone has increased by 3.8% consistently over the last three years and is expected to increase still by 3.4% in 2022.

How does real estate wholesaling work?

Real estate wholesaling, unlike its well-known retail counterpart, does not involve large quantity buys. If anything, it involves better quality buys.

Real estate wholesalers sell a home to a buyer before the original homeowner’s contract expires. This is a great short-term solution as no money moves hands between the wholesaler and the seller, at least until the wholesaler finds a customer. The profit earned by the wholesaler is the difference between the price paid by the buyer and the price paid by the wholesaler.

The first step in wholesaling is to identify the ideal property. Homeowners who own distressed properties or off-market homes are often eager to sell and make excellent prospects. These homes can be highly appealing to potential investors, especially if they are in a good location, have desirable amenities, and are priced appropriately. Before you make an offer, consider what repairs or expansions the house will require.

The key to wholesaling is to include a contingency in the purchase contract that permits the distributor to pull out if they cannot locate a buyer before the planned closing date. The wholesaler’s risk is thereby reduced, making an even greater case for wholesaling.

What’s the difference between real estate wholesaling and flipping?

Flipping and wholesaling share a similar framework, with some key differences.

  1. The time frame for wholesaling is substantially shorter. The wholesaler often makes no repairs or alterations to the house, instead passing that responsibility to the prospective buyer.
  2. Real estate wholesaling is also far less dangerous than flipping because the wholesaler never actually buys a home. The latter frequently entails renovations as well as ongoing expenses like a mortgage, property taxes, and insurance. Wholesaling is a safe alternative as it essentially includes location services and acts almost as a brokerage.
  3. Real estate wholesaling also requires far less money than flipping. Earnest money deposits on a few properties are usually enough. The wholesaler’s market knowledge and connections to investors are essential for speedy sales.

How can I break into real estate wholesaling?

While the market is hot and interest in real estate is high, it’s important to ensure you are equipped with the right tools and know how to enter the industry successfully. Wholesaling is relatively safe as compared to other investment options, but investment properties are still large purchases.

It might be hard to find “the right kind” of property, or to juggle prospective buyers, sellers, and connect the two. Real estate investment software, like REsimpli, allows you to easily list and monitor properties so deals can be closed faster, more efficiently, and through a variety of mediums. SMS, email, and mojo dialer capabilities are all included in real estate customer management software.

To learn more about how REsimpli can help you find properties, sellers, and to close more deals faster, request a free demo with one of our experienced agents.