Mike Cowper

Veteran Investor Mike Cowper Revolutionizes Business with REsimpli


Mike Cowper is a veteran Real Estate Investor with almost ten years of on-field experience. While he mostly focuses on single-family homes now, he’s done it all. From being a landlord to doing flips, wholesale, land contracts, and creative sales, he closed a staggering 1000+ deals till now.

Operating Market

Mike Cowper is a resident of the illustrious state of Michigan and invests in Metro Detroit. Though he used to close an average of 120 deals a year until Covid in 2020, he now does about 60-70 deals a month, while focusing more on ROI and efficiency. This is when he made the switch from Podio to REsimpli.

Favorite REsimpli Features

    • KPI Tracking: Real-time metrics provide clarity on business performance and trends.
    • Convenient Layout: Intuitive interface for easy navigation.
    • Built-in Phone/Text System: Accelerates lead conversion.
    • Drip Campaign: Systematic, personalized follow-ups enhance results.

Before and After REsimpli

Before REsimpli

Manual Data Entry: Spent considerable time on manual data entry and tracking, detracting from core business activities.
Unclear Goals and Activities: Keeping track of what’s going on and what is left to do was difficult to visualize.
Multiple Software Subscriptions: Spent considerable time on manual data entry and tracking, detracting from core business activities.

After REsimpli

Automated Tasks: Mike now reliably saves a significant amount of time and effort by automating various tedious business operations.
Less clutter: REsimpli provides a very simplistic yet holistic unification of useful services that makes business operations streamlined and easier to track.
All-in-one software: Multiple useful features provided in one place make REsimpli a must-have and go-to place for Real Estate Investors like Mike.

Mike’s Experience with REsimpli

Mike Cowper believes REsimpli is - ‘Years ahead of everything else’ . Mike's move to REsimpli brought about a notable enhancement in his business operations. The platform's user-friendly interface and powerful features enabled him to streamline his tools, resulting in a more efficient and simplified workflow. Mike emphasizes the user-friendly interface of REsimpli and its versatility in meeting various business requirements, including lead management and KPI tracking. He values the platform's ongoing updates and enhancements, which help it stay ahead of the competition.

Features REPLACED By REsimpli


KPI Tracking


Drip Campaign


Superior Interface

Achievements with REsimpli


Increased Productivity

Significant time savings and efficiency gains through automation and centralized operations.


Data-driven Decisions

In real-time Insights, investments, and returns of key performance indicator metrics furnish Mike with valuable clarity concerning business performances, trends, and decisions.



Enabled business growth by providing scalable solutions to manage an increasing number of deals and clients.

Get Results like Mike Cowper, Start Your Free 14 Days Trial Now!

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