JW Epstein

Solo Investor Deals Nationwide With 30+ Deals Already This Year

JW Epstein
JDub Buys Houses

    • Market: Nationwide and Amarillo, Texas
    • Strategy: Wholesale, Rentals, Fix & Flips
    • Deal Volume: 30-34 deals this year

Connect With JW Epstein:


JW Epstein is a solo real estate investor out of Amarillo, Texas. Astoundingly, he has been doing 30-34 deals a year over the last 2 years, and even more impressive is his reaching this amount already this year. The shift in JW’s business happened after his shift from doing everything on pen and paper to using REsimpli over the last year. The ability to store everything locally within the system and having its automated systems deal with follow-ups among others, has helped him grow his business.

Operating Market

JW operates his business in Amarillo, Texas and also nationwide. While he operates nationwide, that only covers the wholesale aspect of his business. He does fix and flips and rentals as well in his local Amarillo market; all solo.

Favorite REsimpli Features

  1. All-in-One System: Being able to keep all of his information, leads and communication centralized in one system helps him optimize business.
  2. Automated Follow-ups: A lot of deals are made due to the follow-ups happening consistently and automatically.
  3. Customer Support: The prompt and effective responses have helped him come to grips with any issues he has faced.

Before and After REsimpli

Before REsimpli

Keeping Track: Doing everything on pen and paper made it hard to keep track of information, leads and deals overall.
Clunky CRMs: Having used other CRMs before switching permanently to REsimpli, other CRMs seemed clunky and hard to work with.
Disorganized: Required information was spread out and hard to work with being on pen and paper.

After REsimpli

Organized: The all-in-one system helps keep all information centralized, making them easier to work with.
Closed More Deals: Automatic follow-ups helped create more deals by consistently bringing them in.
Alerts: Alerts within the system helped to make it to calls and meetings, overall, keeping up with clients.

JW’s Experience With REsimpli

JW speaks about how REsimpli is the best out there in terms of CRMs for real estate investors. Having done it solo for so long, he plans to expand his business and take more control of the nationwide real estate business with the help of REsimpli. He also wants to expand his business, and REsimpli will help him keep track of all tasks while also training his employees. On top of that, JW says great things about the customer support within REsimpli, especially the 1-on-1 live Zoom calls. Overall, he has been able to reach his previous yearly deal volume of 30-34 already this year, having been part of the REsimpli family for a little over a year.

Features REPLACED By REsimpli


Call Recording System


Lead Management



Achievements with REsimpli


Growth In Closed Deals

Doing this with pen and paper, JW made 30-34 deals a year over the last 2 years, and he has already reached that milestone with REsimpli for this year.


Optimized Marketing

Being able to run his marketing through REsimpli and having his follow-ups automated, JW has managed to make more leads into deals.


Lead Management

Being able to have everything on the REsimpli platform, JW can access everything within it and access it on his laptop or phone.

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