Rod Hanks has been in the real estate market for 25 years and has been successful in Dallas, Texas – one of the most competitive markets. His focus has been mostly on buy and hold alongside wholesaling and hoteling. His small team of 4 people has been consistently growing and growing their real estate portfolio since 1999, currently doing 5-10 deals a month.
Dallas, Texas
Having lived in Dallas, Texas throughout his life, Rod has an extensive knowledge of the real estate market in the area and maintains a strong connection with the community there.
Rod Hanks has been in the real estate game since 1999, and only shifted to REsimpli 3 years ago. However, this shift to REsimpli’s CRM has seen massive growth for his business in Dallas, which is one of the top 5 toughest real estate markets. From doing 5-10 deals a year, the last 3 years have seen Rod’s business do 5-10 deals a month, multiplying his closed deals by 10 times. Rod also saves a lot of time on the manual work now, and can focus more on doing the sales aspect of his business - earning him a higher revenue. He also has a birds-eye view of his business, being able to track leads being generated by Facebook and Google ads, while also being able to differentiate them. Rod loves REsimpli because he can tell it was created by an investor, for investors.
Call Recording System
Lead Management
Automated Drip Campaigns
KPI Tracking
Currently doing 5-10 deals a month, Rod has 10x his closed deals from 5-10 in a year, before joining REsimpli.
Rod has saved numerous hours utilizing features from REsimpli, such as the call recording feature, allowing him to focus more on client satisfaction
Tracking KPIs and knowing where and how leads are generated has allowed Rod to make more data-driven decisions.