
What is NOI in Real Estate?

UPDATED October 18, 2024 | 11 MIN READ
Written by
Sharad Mehta

Net Operating Income (NOI) is an important indicator in the planning and management of property portfolios of all sizes—whether you have one property or hundreds. It is important because it is the simplest way to accurately show the financial effectiveness of a property.

NOI differs from other financial metrics by filtering out the effects of financing and tax responsibilities and revealing the genuine profits stemming from the property’s core operations. This can be indispensable for investors, property managers, and analysts, as it offers a uniform gauge to demonstrate the vitality and prospects of real estate ventures.

Stakeholders can use this information to make important decisions around acquisitions, financing, and property valuation, and it enables a comprehensive comparison of cash flow potentials across different properties, aiding in strategic buy, sell, or refinance choices.

Essentially, when used correctly, NOI can play a central role in steering both operational and strategic decisions, rendering it a fundamental tool for real estate investors at all levels. 

In this blog, we’ll take a more detailed look at NOI, show how to calculate it, and give an overview of the pros and cons.

What is Net Operating Income (NOI)?

Net operating income, as the name might suggest, is the income you make from your property once all expenses are deducted. It’s the figure that remains when debts, maintenance, and other regular outgoings associated with the priority have been paid. It considers all revenue streams, such as rent and service charges, and subtracts the costs necessary for property upkeep and administration, such as maintenance, insurance, and taxes.

There are, however, some exclusions to NOI: It turns a blind eye to debt service charges, capital expenditures, depreciation, and income taxes, ensuring a focus on the property’s operational profitability without the distortion from financing or capital investments. These can be left out of the calculation as they are non-operating expenses. This exclusion ensures the NOI reflects the operational efficiency and earning power of the property independent of the financing structure or capital improvements that may vary significantly from one investor to another.

Why does NOI Matter?

For investment analysis, NOI is an excellent gauge of profitability, serving as a direct reflection of a property’s income-generating ability—minus the operational expenses—and offering a clear picture of its financial health. NOI is also a comparative tool at the investment analysis level. By providing a standardized measure, it allows investors to line up potential property investments side by side and evaluate their performance on a level playing field.

Once the property is part of the portfolio, NOI is useful for expense management and strategic planning: it can help target specific areas where costs and efficiencies can be improved, and it can provide insights for strategic portfolio expansion or consolidation.

NOI is crucial for:

  • Evaluating Property Value: NOI is instrumental in determining the value of a property, influencing both selling price and purchase decisions.
  • Financing and Refinancing Decisions: Lenders often look at NOI to assess a property’s ability to cover loan obligations.
  • Investment Strategy: Investors can detect trends, identify opportunities, and make educated decisions regarding their real estate portfolios by analyzing changes in NOI.

Understanding NOI

NOI measures a property’s operational performance by focusing only on the income generated from its core operations. This includes all forms of revenue, such as rent, parking fees, service charges, and any other income produced through the property’s use. 

Operating expenses are then deducted. These expenses are the costs incurred in the day-to-day management and maintenance of the property, including (but not limited to) property management fees, utility expenses, maintenance costs, insurance, and property taxes.

It’s important to re-emphasize that NOI omits non-operating expenses. This means the figure you arrive at will not consider costs such as mortgage payments, capital expenditure (e.g., renovations or major repairs that extend the property’s life), depreciation, and income taxes. 

Key Reasons for NOI’s Importance

Net Operating Income (NOI) is an important metric in the real estate sector for a variety of reasons:

  • Evaluating Investments: NOI is great for investors to gauge the income-generating potential of a property compared to its operational expenses. This insight is vital for assessing the property’s profitability.
  • Valuing Properties: When it comes to determining a property’s market value, NOI is often the preferred method. Utilizing the capitalization rate method, which involves dividing the NOI by the market cap rate, provides a good estimate of a property’s market value.
  • Influencing Financing: During the loan application process for real estate investments, lenders will closely review the property’s NOI. A strong NOI shows the property’s ability to cover loan payments and can play a significant role in the decision-making process of lenders.
  • Benchmarking Performance: NOI enables a comparison of financial performance across different properties or the same property over time, helping make informed decisions regarding acquisitions, sales, or operational changes to boost profitability.

How to Calculate NOI in Real Estate

The process to calculate NOI is straightforward, focusing on accurately capturing all income and operating expenses. Here’s the net operating income formula:

NOI = Total Revenue – Operating Expenses

Common components of total revenue and operating expenses are:

Revenue Sources

  • Rental income
  • Fees for additional services (e.g., parking or laundry)
  • Revenue from ancillary services (e.g., vending machines)

Operating Costs

  • Staffing and property management costs
  • Utility expenses (for utilities not paid by tenants)
  • Maintenance and repair expenditures
  • Insurance payments
  • Property tax obligations

The most difficult part of calculating NOI is collating the information you need. To do so, you need to fully understand what your income and expenses are:

  • Total Rental Income: This is the sum of all income produced by the property, including rent from tenants and any additional revenue streams, such as fees for amenities, parking, and the like, excluding proceeds from property sales.
  • Operating Costs: These represent the regular expenses necessary for the property’s upkeep and operations. Common items under this category encompass management fees, taxes on the property, insurance premiums, utility charges, maintenance, repairs, and other essential operational costs.

Remember, since NOI excludes financing costs, taxes, and capital expenses, it offers a pure look at the operational success of the property.

What is a Good NOI in Real Estate? 

A positive NOI suggests that the property’s operational income surpasses its operating costs, indicating a potentially sound investment.

A negative NOI, however, points to operational expenses outweighing income, possibly indicating inefficiencies or a devaluation of the property.

Strategies for Enhancing Net Operating Income

Improving a property’s Net Operating Income (NOI) can be done by increasing the revenue streams and/or decreasing the operational costs. Property owners and managers can adopt a series of targeted actions to achieve this balance:

Revenue Enhancement Strategies

  1. Optimize Rental Rates: Regularly analyze the local market and ensure rental prices reflect current market conditions. Adjusting rents accordingly can maximize income without risking high vacancy rates.
  2. Increase Occupancy Rates: Use marketing strategies and incentives to attract and retain tenants, thereby reducing vacancy periods and increasing steady income flow.
  3. Diversify Income Sources: Explore opportunities to add new services or amenities that tenants value and are willing to pay for, such as parking, storage, or enhanced security features.
  4. Upgrade Property Features: Investing in property improvements can justify higher rents, attract a higher caliber of tenants, and reduce turnover. Upgrades can range from cosmetic updates to more significant renovations.
  5. Implement Fee-Based Services: Consider offering additional paid services, such as laundry, cleaning, or pet fees. These will improve tenant convenience and contribute to the property’s income.

Expense Reduction Strategies

  1. Streamline Operations: Review and optimize operational processes to eliminate inefficiencies. Using technology for property management tasks can reduce labor costs and improve service quality.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Invest in energy-efficient upgrades, such as LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and smart thermostats. These can significantly reduce utility costs over time.
  3. Preventative Maintenance: Taking a more proactive approach to maintenance can prevent minor issues from escalating into costly repairs and reduce overall maintenance expenses.
  4. Negotiate with Vendors: Regularly review contracts with service providers and negotiate for better rates or discounts for long-term agreements.
  5. Property Tax Appeals: Assess and challenge property tax assessments if they seem disproportionately high compared to similar properties, potentially lowering one of the bigger expenses for property owners.

While implementing these strategies, it’s essential to maintain a balance between enhancing the property’s value to justify higher rents and managing the cost-effectiveness of upgrades and services offered. A detailed analysis of tenant demographics and preferences can guide which amenities and services will be most valued and are, therefore, most likely to increase NOI.

Property owners and managers can significantly impact their property’s financial performance by focusing on both sides of the NOI equation and increasing income while managing and reducing expenses. This approach will improve the immediate cash flow as well as contribute to the long-term appreciation and competitiveness of the property in the market.

NOI Calculations

Calculating Net Operating Income (NOI) is a straightforward process for real estate investors, property managers, and analysts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to accurately calculating NOI, along with key components and practical examples.

Step 1: Gather All Income Sources

The first step in calculating NOI is compiling all the income the property generates. This primarily includes rental income but can also encompass other sources, such as parking fees, service charges, or income from on-site facilities (e.g., vending machines and laundry services).

Example: Consider a multi-family property with 40 units, each renting for $1,400 per month. The annual rental income would be $1,400 x 40 units x 12 months = $672,000.

Step 2: Account for Vacancy Rate

Properties rarely maintain 100% occupancy throughout the year. The vacancy rate represents the percentage of time units are unoccupied and not generating rental income. It’s important to take this into account by subtracting the income lost to vacancies from the total potential rental income to get a realistic figure.

Example: If the aforementioned property has a 5% vacancy rate, the annual income loss due to vacancies would be $672,000 x 5% = $33,600. The effective rental income, after accounting for vacancies, would then be $672,000 – $33,600 = $638,400.

Step 3: Add Other Income Sources

Beyond rental income, properties may generate additional revenue through various means. This can include laundry services, parking fees, or any special amenities offered to tenants for a fee. You’ll need to add these income streams to the effective rental income.

Example: Suppose the property also earns $12,000 annually from a coin-operated laundry. The total income, combining rental and other sources, would then be $638,400 (from Step 2) + $12,000 = $650,400.

Step 4: Calculate Operating Expenses

Operating expenses are the costs associated with running and maintaining the property. This includes property management fees, utilities (if not paid by tenants), maintenance, insurance, and property taxes.

Example: Property operating expenses might include $60,000 in maintenance and repairs, $40,000 in property management fees, $50,000 in utilities, $40,000 in insurance, and $30,000 in property taxes, totaling $220,000.

Step 5: Subtract Operating Expenses from Total Income

The final step in calculating NOI is to subtract the total operating expenses from the total income derived from the property.

Example: Using the figures from the examples above, the NOI would be calculated as $650,400 (total income) – $220,000 (operating expenses) = $430,400.

Key Components of NOI Calculation

  • Rental Income: This is usually the most significant source of income for a property. It’s vital to base this figure on actual rents received, considering the market rates and any concessions or incentives given to tenants.
  • Vacancy Rate: A realistic vacancy rate should be applied to account for the cyclical nature of tenancy and market fluctuations. This rate can be derived from historical data of the property or comparable market averages.
  • Operating Expenses: These expenses should be carefully reviewed as they directly impact NOI. Not all expenses associated with the property are included; for example, mortgage payments and capital expenditures are excluded from NOI calculations.
  • Other Income Sources: This can vary significantly between properties but should be included to reflect the total earning potential of the investment.

Practical Scenario

Imagine a commercial property with an annual potential rental income of $500,000, a 10% vacancy rate, and other income sources amounting to $20,000. Operating expenses for the year total $200,000.

1. Calculate the effective rental income considering the vacancy rate: $500,000 – ($500,000 x 10%) = $450,000.

2. Add other income sources to the effective rental income: $450,000 + $20,000 = $470,000.

3. Subtract operating expenses from the total income to find NOI: $470,000 – $200,000 = $270,000.

This step-by-step approach to calculating NOI shows its role as a critical measure of a property’s operational profitability. By carefully accounting for all income sources and operating expenses, real estate professionals can make truly data-driven decisions.

Pros and Cons of Using NOI

Utilizing Net Operating Income (NOI) as a financial metric in real estate investment analysis comes with a host of advantages, but there are limitations. It’s important to know these strengths and weaknesses before you use the calculation to make any decisions.

Advantages of Utilizing NOI

Objective Performance Measurement: NOI provides a clear, objective measure of a property’s operational profitability by focusing solely on income generated from its core operations. This allows investors to assess the effectiveness of property management and operational efficiency without the influence of financing structures or tax considerations.

Facilitates Comparison: Because NOI is calculated consistently across properties, it enables investors to compare the financial performance of different investments on an even footing. This comparability is invaluable for portfolio management and investment strategy development, helping investors identify underperforming assets and potential growth opportunities.

Valuation and Financing: NOI plays a central role in property valuation, particularly through the capitalization rate (cap rate) method. Investors can estimate a property’s value by dividing the NOI by the current market cap rate. Lenders also frequently use NOI to determine a property’s ability to cover debt service, making it a key factor in financing decisions.

Informs Investment Decisions: Through careful analysis of NOI trends over time, investors can make informed decisions about acquisitions, dispositions, and refinancing. A rising NOI might signal an opportune time to sell for a profit or refinance to take advantage of increased equity, while a declining NOI could prompt a review of operational practices or costs.

Limitations and Potential Drawbacks of Using NOI

Excludes Capital Expenditures: While excluding non-operational expenses, such as capital expenditures (CapEx), from NOI calculations provides a focused view of operational income, it can also mask the true cost of maintaining or improving a property. Significant CapEx can impact the overall financial health of an investment, making reliance on NOI alone insufficient for comprehensive investment analysis.

Ignores Financing Costs: NOI omits financing costs, such as mortgage payments, which can vary widely among investors based on their financing strategies. This exclusion means NOI does not provide a complete picture of an investment’s cash flow or its ability to service debt—critical considerations for investors using leverage.

Lacks Tax Considerations: NOI does not account for the impact of income taxes, which can significantly affect an investor’s net return. Different tax treatments for interest, depreciation, and other factors mean that two investments with identical NOIs can have very different after-tax outcomes.

Market and Economic Sensitivity: While NOI is a useful measure of a property’s current operational performance, it can be sensitive to market and economic changes. Factors such as occupancy rates, rental demand, and operating costs can fluctuate, affecting NOI and potentially leading investors to overestimate the stability of their income.

Operational Focus Limits Scope: The operational focus of NOI means it does not capture the full financial picture of a real estate investment, particularly for properties undergoing significant redevelopment or repositioning. In these cases, the initial low or negative NOI might not reflect the property’s future income potential.

Balancing the Pros and Cons

To effectively leverage NOI in real estate investment analysis, investors should:

  • Complement NOI with Other Metrics: Use additional financial metrics, such as cash flow, cash-on-cash return, and internal rate of return (IRR), to gain a more comprehensive understanding of an investment’s financial performance.
  • Consider Capital Expenditures: Factor in anticipated CapEx when evaluating an investment’s long-term profitability and maintenance requirements, ensuring these costs are planned for and managed.
  • Analyze Debt Service Coverage: Calculate the debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) to understand how well NOI covers mortgage payments and other financing costs, giving you an insight into the investment’s leverage and risk profile.
  • Perform Scenario Analysis: Use NOI projections under different market conditions to assess the sensitivity of the investment’s income potential to economic and market changes.

While NOI is a powerful tool for analyzing the operational profitability of real estate investments, it should not be used in isolation. By understanding its advantages and limitations, you can more accurately assess the financial health and potential of your properties and make strategic decisions that enhance portfolio performance and achieve investment goals.


Mastering the concept of net operating income is fundamental to evaluating the financial performance and health of investment properties. NOI should be seen as a crucial metric, providing a clear vision of the operational success of real estate investments, distinctly separated from the convolutions of financing and tax intricacies. It zeroes in on the income coming from a property’s operations after deducting operating expenses and gives only the property’s income-generating capacity. 

This simplicity in calculation lets investors benchmark the performance of diverse properties, regardless of their unique financing arrangements or tax scenarios.

Of course, as with any metric, it is important to look at both the merits and constraints of relying on one calculation. There are benefits and drawbacks to using NOI, but it is still very much indispensable in the realm of real estate analytics. The exclusion of financing costs and capital expenditures from NOI paves the way for a concentrated examination of a property’s operational profitability, but conversely, such exclusions necessitate a comprehensive analytical approach, incorporating a broader spectrum of financial indicators to capture an investment’s overall performance and viability.

The indispensability of NOI in the real estate sector is irrefutable. It is a key instrument for appraising property profitability and a foundational pillar for informed investment decision-making. The proficient calculation and interpretation of NOI provide investors with the acumen to discern high-potential opportunities, handle risks with dexterity, and devise strategies aimed at sustained growth and profitability.

Investors are advised to embed NOI within their analytical arsenal, employing it in concert with other evaluative metrics to thoroughly vet and juxtapose investment prospects. Such a balanced approach ensures investment choices are anchored in a robust comprehension of each property’s operational effectiveness and income-generation prospects. Additionally, investors should remain agile, acknowledging the fluctuating nature of the real estate market and the dynamic utility of NOI within an adaptive investment strategy.

In essence, Net Operating Income goes beyond its role as a mere numerical value on financial statements; it is a data-centric aid to help investors through the complexities of real estate investment. The meticulous calculation and strategic application of NOI lay a foundation for grasping property performance.

In sum, Net Operating Income is a linchpin in the architecture of real estate investment, a metric that not only shows the operational efficacy of properties but also enriches strategic decision-making. Its analytical potency and strategic application are instrumental to succeeding in the investment world, ensuring investors are well-equipped to enhance their portfolio’s growth and profitability in the ever-dynamic real estate market. 

Through a deep understanding and adept application of NOI, investors can move closer to achieving their investment goals with clarity, confidence, and precision. For more in-depth analysis of real estate terms, strategies, and news, check out our blogs here.

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