
Top 5 Real Estate Investor Drip Campaigns

UPDATED December 19, 2024 | 3 MIN READ
Sharad Mehta
Written by
Sharad Mehta

For real estate investors, every lead represents the possibility of earning tens of thousands on a deal.

Wasted leads are wasted opportunities. 

To capitalize on every lead, real estate investors need automated processes for following up on each.

And not just one process, but one for every direction a lead could take.

Start with the following five real estate investor drip campaigns to maximize your odds of closing deals with sellers.

Initial Campaign for Online Leads

When a property owner visits your website and fills out a form indicating their interest in selling, you want to strike while the proverbial iron is hot. 

That starts with an instant email that goes out to prospective seller.

Ask them their desired timeline for selling, and ask them to call your phone number.

If you work with a team, you can use REsimpli’s Speed to Lead feature: when a lead calls in, the call gets routed to everyone on your team.

The feature also allows for text or call alerts for each lead form submission. 

Your lead form should collect at least the seller’s name, email address, mobile phone number, and property address.

Your drip campaign can then include an automated SMS message to the seller two hours after the initial automated email, as a follow-up to find out their urgency and timeframe.

Again, you want to connect with a phone call as quickly as possible. 

From there, your campaign can work in manual phone calls to the lead, punctuated with automated text messages.

Offers Without Responses

You made an offer — but the seller has ghosted you. What’s the next step?

Start with an automated SMS message through REsimpli’s system, with several manual follow-up calls scheduled at regular intervals.

You can list these as tasks in your REsimpli drip campaign management. 

If you still haven’t heard from them within a month, include a direct mail campaign as part of your follow-up.

You want to mix up your communication outreach to maximize odds of reconnecting with the seller.

Continue alternating SMS messages with phone calls, up to the point when you reclassify the lead as dead.

Reschedule a Missed Seller Appointment

You drove out to the property to meet the seller — and they never showed. 

Start with an automated SMS message asking when the seller wants to reschedule.

Reiterate that the walkthrough will only take 15-20 minutes, and you can make an offer right away after seeing the property. 

If you don’t hear back from them within a day, try manually calling them again.

From there, you can mix in a series of SMS messages, calls, and a direct mail letter before labeling it a dead lead.

Missed Call from Seller

A potential seller calls you, but you miss their call and they don’t leave you a voicemail. 

You only have their phone number in this case.

Or do you?

If you use REsimpli’s List Stacking feature, it will tell you if the phone number matches an existing lead in any of your lists.

You can then send a more personalized follow-up sequence referencing their name and the property address.

Even if you only have the phone number, you can set up a drip campaign starting with a generic SMS message.

Consider something like: “Hey, I’m sorry I missed your call, I’ll follow up with you shortly from this number.

In the meantime, can you please text me the property address that you’re calling about?” and then your name to close it out. 

From there, you can call them on a scheduled sequence to follow up. 

Long-Term Drip Campaign

A lead falls off one of the drip campaigns outlined above.

Should you consider it a dead lead?

Not necessarily. You can simply add them to a long-term drip campaign, where you reach out once a month to check in.

That can include alternating SMS messages (automated) and manual phone calls, and perhaps the occasional direct mail. 

You’d be surprised how often sellers lose urgency or motivation, only to have it come surging back months or even years later.

You never know what will come of following up with property owners who once expressed interest in selling.

Final Thoughts

Creating automated drip campaigns takes the work out of SMS messages and direct mail, and reminds you (or your team members) when to pick up the phone and call a prospect. 

These campaigns also track who has done what and when. Every member of your team knows exactly how and when you last contacted a lead. 

The more thought you put into setting up your systems and processes, the less work they require later. Invest time now in a streamlined process, so your team can work seamlessly moving forward.

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