Real Estate Scripts – Everything You Need to Know

Real Estate Scripts – Everything You Need to Know

Everything You Need to Know About Real Estate Scripts

Real estate scripts are foundational to success in the industry. While your work needs to be tailored to every client that you work with specifically, there are certain recurring conversations that you need to be prepared to initiate and respond to.

Throughout this article, we’re going to break down some of the different kinds of real estate agent scripts and what they’re used for. We’re also going to provide some added detail on successful examples of the best real estate scripts you can use.

Why Use Scripts in Real Estate?

Of course, every potential buyer or client in your CRM system is different, as is every sale, but real estate scripts aren’t necessarily meant to be followed verbatim. What scripts for real estate agents do give you is a great jumping-off point for creating a predictable real estate dialogue.

As Donna Stott of Your Coaching Matters puts it, “Scripts SHOULD be nothing but conversation starters and enders”, which we think sums up their purpose perfectly. Of course, you can never build a strong rapport with another human being based entirely on a pre-ordained script. However, you can facilitate the right atmosphere and environment for a better conversation with the right set-ups and closers.

Different Types of Real Estate Scripts

There are a variety of different forms of realtor scripts, each with their own unique purposes.

1. Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

Cold calling scripts will make up a large section of your arsenal, as a lot of the job is centered around making connections with people who don’t know you. Within these scripts, you’ll find a number of sub-categories, such as prospecting, measuring interest, and more.

It’s important to have a strong script at the ready when cold calling, as there are countless reasons that you might get rejected. With most cold calls generally only lasting around a minute and a half, you have to get to the point effectively.

2. Objection Handling Scripts

Handling objections is one of the most essential skills you can have as a realtor. People often don’t trust real estate agents or have understandable doubts about moving forward with a deal.

Objections can range from a true lack of interest to financial concerns, but they’re not often as concrete as they seem at first. With prepared real estate scripts for handling objections and some persistence, you can turn a “no” into a “yes”.

3. Real Estate Follow Up Scripts

Follow up contact is likely where you will truly start the process of a sale. Knowing how to properly communicate with potentially interested parties, and converting them into truly enthusiastic collaborators is going to make the difference.

These scripts can cover making sales, convincing people to buy, or simply maintaining a dialogue.

Top Performing Real Estate Scripts

Here we have some of the best scripts for facilitating real estate sales and positive interactions.

Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

Cold calls have to contain a real estate agent introduction script, establishing who you are and what you can do for a prospect.

1. Measuring Interest in Prospecting

In cold calling, it’s a good practice to have a script on hand that you can use to measure the interest of people on the other line. The way to do so is to establish who you’re speaking to, who you are, and what you’re calling about in a straightforward, but friendly manner.

You can start by saying:

“Hello, my name is ___ and I’m calling from ___, am I speaking to the homeowner?” (note: this is how ALL cold calls should start)

Once they’ve confirmed that they are the homeowner, you can follow up with:

“Amazing. I’m just calling because I’ve recently been in contact with some potential buyers who are looking for homes in your area. Would you ever consider selling your home if you could guarantee making the sale?”

What this script does is immediately put the ball into the court of the recipient, while also setting up what you could do for them in terms of finding them a buyer. While you might come across a lot of rejection or lacking interest, this is an effective script for cold call prospecting, as it gives you the information you need for moving forward.

2. Using a Recent Sale

Referencing a recent sale is another effective way to open a cold calling interaction, as it sets up who you are in terms of success and efficacy from the get-go.

After ensuring that you’re speaking to the homeowner, you can follow up with:

“I’m just calling to say, I’ve recently sold a property in your area at (insert address). As you know, it’s a really lovely area with a lot of great properties, all of which have been selling for amazing prices. I’m curious to know, have you ever thought about selling your home?”

What this script does is establish your value as an agent, while also establishing that there’s a lucrative possibility for the potential seller. If they show interest, then you can follow up with more details.

3. Objection Handling Scripts

As mentioned, there are plenty of reasons that someone may object to working with you as an agent, but with the right wording, you can calm their concerns.

4. Commission Related Concerns

One concern that a potential client may have is that they believe that you’re only looking to work with them to make your commission, maybe even asking you to lower it.

In a case such as this, you can use a script such as:

“I totally understand financial concerns, times are tough for everyone right now. What I will say is that you can probably sell your house with anyone, but not everyone is going to get you the best price possible for your property. I can promise you that I’ll be on your side throughout every stage of the process, working to get you the price that you deserve for your home, but to do that I need to know that you understand what I can offer you. Are you interested in getting the best deal for your home?”

By using this script, you’re showing empathy for their concern, while also appealing to their own empathy and sense of reason. If you know you can do the job the best, you need to make it clear to them and ascertain whether that’s what they want from you.

5. People Who Aren’t Ready

Often, you’ll come across people who are already set that they don’t want to sell their home or buy a new one.

In cases of people who aren’t ready to sell, you can follow by saying:

“I totally respect and understand that. There’s no rush to list the property now, however what I can do is start to warm up the market a little and drum up some interest in the property with potential buyers. This means when you are ready to sell, there will be a line of people waiting to see the place. How does that sound?”

This kind of objection handle can keep the door open for future dates, while also potentially nudging the client towards a selling situation.

For those who aren’t ready to buy, perhaps due to renting, a script may sound like:

“I’ve seen the property you’re renting at the moment, and I agree it’s a great place to stay. What I will ask though, is why would you rather pay someone else’s mortgage? If you look into buying, you could find a much better place at a lower monthly rate, and it will eventually belong to you and your family.”

This handling method is great as it demonstrates the value of buying, while also appealing to the logic of the potential client.

Real Estate Follow Up Scripts

When it comes to following up on parties that seemed interested in the past, there are essentially three directions you can go in.

1. Hard Follow Ups

In the case of a lead that you feel is likely to offer a positive response, the best practice is to get down to things as quickly and directly as possible.

A hard follow up script may sound something like:

“Hey, was amazing to meet and chat the other day. I’ve been reviewing our conversation and I think it’s about time that you see some of the homes/meet some of the buyers I have lined up for you. If you’re up for it, shall we start organizing some viewings today?”

This cuts out any guesswork and is likely to result in a more concrete answer.

2. Soft Follow Ups

These are better used when you don’t feel a prospect is ready to sign any documents right away, but could be nudged towards making the next step.

A soft follow up is more likely to sound like this:

“Hey, great chat the other day. I remember you mentioning that you might be interested in selling your home/moving into a new place – if you have the time, would you like to come in for a meeting this week?”

This is a less daunting concept to offer a prospect but can lead them to a face-to-face situation that’s likely to bode more results.

3. Free Demonstration of Value

A free demonstration of value is something that you can use, mostly in email or SMS follow ups to stay at the forefront of a potential client’s mind, even if you don’t feel the next steps are imminent.

For example:

“Hey, was great to meet you this week. I’ve recently published a blog to my website that’s closely related to what you’re going through right now. Hopefully there’s something useful in there for you.”

This kind of message shows that you truly care about the prospect, offering them something of value with no expectation of business. This helps to build trust and will make them think of you when the time is right.


In real estate, you’re going to have a lot of conversations time and time again. While no one can really teach you how to be a “people person,” there are prepared phrases and sentences that you should keep at the ready for the sake of establishing interest, handling objections and more.

If you’re getting started in real estate, a real estate script like those in this article could be a great hand in closing your first deals. However, feel free to take them and make edits based on your own business, personality, and target demographics – as we’ve said, every deal is different.

For more on real estate and CRM, visit our website today.