Connect with Your Leads with Speed To Lead

Connect with your leads instantly to close more deals!

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Instant Alerts, REsimpli

Instant Alerts, Instant Opportunities

No time to waste in real estate? We get it. With REsimpli's Speed to Lead, your phone rings the moment a new lead hits your site, ensuring you never miss a golden opportunity.
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One-Tap Connections, REsimpli

Seamless One-Tap Connections

Say goodbye to delays. With Speed to Lead, as your phone rings, you're one click away from connecting directly to sellers via phone call. Streamline your process and save valuable time.
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Prepare in a Flash

Prepare in a Flash

It's not just about calls. Receive a text with the lead's property address, source, and your campaign's details. Be armed with everything you need for a productive conversation, and close the deal on the spot.
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Optimize Your Time, REsimpli

Optimize Your Time

REsimpli minimizes the gap between lead acquisition and conversion, so every second counts. Connect with leads while they're still hot!
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Connect Fast. Close Faster!

Convert more opportunities, close more deals, all with the power of Speed to Lead.