Our process is simple, efficient, and cost-effective. Start closing deals at the lowest marketing costs!
Mailer Type | Postage Type | 0-200 | 201-1000 | 1000+ |
Postcards | First Class Indicia | $0.75 | $0.65 | $0.55 |
Yellow or Business Letters* | Presorted Standard | $1.00 | $0.90 | $0.80 |
Yellow or Business Letters* | Presorted First Class | $1.30 | $1.15 | $0.95 |
Options | Presorted Standard | Presorted First Class |
Delivery Time | 5-15 Business Days | 3-5 Business Days |
Underliverable Pieces | NOT returned to the sender | Returned to the sender |
Cancellation Marking from USPS | Yes | Yes |
Stamp type | Live Physical Stamp | Live Physical Stamp |