
REsimpli Email Parser Zapier Integration for Pay Per Lead

UPDATED October 28, 2024 | 2 MIN READ
Sharad Mehta
Written by
Sharad Mehta

REsimpli Email Parser Zapier Integration for Pay Per Lead

Step by Step Guide:

Step by Step SOP Instructions for Using the Email Parser by Zapier:

  1. Log in to your Zapier account.
  2. Click on “Create Zap.”
  3. Search for “Email Parser by Zapier” and select it.
  4. Under “Event,” select “New Email” and click “Continue.”
  5. Under “Account,” select “Email Parser by Zapier” and click “Continue.”
  6. Click “More” and then click on the provided link.
  7. Log in using your Zapier account and click “Authorize.”
  8. Click “Create Mailbox” to generate an email address for lead submissions.
  9. Copy the generated email address.
  10. Send a sample email with lead information to the generated email address.
  11. Refresh the Email Parser by Zapier page.
  12. Highlight and map the information you want to push to another platform (e.g., first name, last name, phone number, email address, property details).
  13. Save the mappings by clicking “Save Address and Template.”
  14. Return to your Zapier account and select the mailbox you created.
  15. Click “Continue” and then click “Test Trigger” to pull up the information.
  16. Click “Continue” and search for the platform you want to push the information to (e.g., REsimpli).
  17. Select “Create Lead” as the event and click “Continue.”
  18. Choose your account and click “Continue.”
  19. Map the information you want to push to your chosen platform (e.g., first name, last name, phone number, email address, property details).
  20. Set the lead source (e.g., Paper Lead) and the lead status (e.g., No Contact Made).
  21. Select the market and, if desired, tag the leads as “Hot Leads.”
  22. Add any comments or notes, and attach the campaign phone number, if applicable.
  23. Review your setup and click “Continue.”
  24. Test the action by clicking “Test & Continue.”
  25. If the test is successful, click “Turn on Zap” to activate the integration.

Your customers should now be able to follow these step-by-step instructions to use the Email Parser by Zapier for lead submissions.

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