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5 Point Checklist to an Effective Direct Mail Piece

5 Point Checklist to an Effective Direct Mail Piece “Marketing that works is marketing that people choose to notice.” ~ Seth Godin “Direct mail marketing hardly works!”“Direct mail marketing isn’t worth the money!” Did these thoughts ever cross your mind? If they did, here are some figures from the Data & Marketing Association: “Direct mail […]

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5 Insane Ways to Boost Your Conversion with Direct Mail Marketing

5 Insane Ways to Boost Your Conversion with Direct Mail Marketing “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” ~ Estee Lauder, Co-founder, the Estee Lauder Companies Inc. How do you plan your direct mail marketing campaigns? You buy a list, prepare your mailings, and send them […]

Is Direct Mail Still Effective in the Internet Age?

Is Direct Mail Still Effective in the Internet Age? Seems like every day internet sites like Google and Facebook stick ads in front of us claiming to show someone how to get rich ridiculously quick as an internet marketer. It’s enough to make you think the internet is the only way to go.So why do […]

5 Greatest Hacks for Real Estate Direct Mail Success

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.” Timothy Ferris, Author of the Four Hour Work Week Direct Mail Marketing Yes, you’re doing it, and you might have bagged a couple of deals too. But, how do you know if your direct mail marketing is up to the mark? For most of the investors, if they’re receiving even […]

The 3 Essential Elements of a Direct Response Ad

The 3 Essential Elements of a Direct Response Ad Anyone creating a direct mail campaign, and especially real estate investors, should make sure to cover all their bases. Omitting some of the important elements of a good mailer will probably reduce the response rate. Omitting or screwing up a few, critical elements may kill your […]

5 Tips that Will Help Your Direct Mail Piece Stand Out

5 Tips that Will Help Your Direct Mail Piece Stand Out What’s the first thing you do when you receive a direct mailer? If it grabs your attention, it goes to your reading desk, else lands directly in the dustbin. Am I correct so far? If you’re a marketer, you definitely don’t want the latter. […]

Learning Your Neighborhood

Learning Your Neighborhood Real estate is everywhere. That doesn’t mean you should invest everywhere. Diversification is an investment strategy recommended by a lot of financial advisors, but it may not be the path to true wealth – especially in real estate. There is an enormous difference between the real estate markets of Manhattan, Kansas and […]

5 Direct Mail Marketing Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

5 Direct Mail Marketing Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make “If you aren’t a little different than your competition, you’re in trouble.” ~ Mark Sanborn, Author of The Fred Factor You have saved money for the past five years for your first real estate deal. You are probably going through all the available online material to […]

Do Your Due Diligence

Do Your Due Diligence If you’ve been investing for any length of time, you’ve probably heard the title phrase often. People say it because it is so important. Yet there are many investors who just don’t do it. Or they do it too much and become infected with analysis paralysis. They never pull the trigger […]