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Direct Mail vs Digital Marketing: Clash of the Titans

Direct Mail vs Digital Marketing: Clash of the Titans “Find out what works, and do more of that.” ~ Steve De Shazer As a direct mail marketer, it is almost impossible to avoid this topic. This is our second visit to the same topic. Second, yes, we just couldn’t resist it! Our research revealed a lot […]

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5 Tips To Increase Results from Your Ad Copy

5 Tips To Increase Results from Your Ad Copy Let’s face it. There are a lot of real estate investors out there. Generally after a little research, many of them will know about ‘the lists’ (foreclosures, probate, out-of-state owners etc.). They will find the lists and start mailing to them. Many of those investors will […]

Bank Financing

Bank Financing Everyone hears about the ‘creative’ ways to finance a real estate project such as hard money or owner financing. While those methods are quick, they do have their disadvantages. Many times going the traditional route of borrowing from a bank can prove to be more profitable. Banks generally are much more interested in […]

Your Business is Only as Strong as Your Systems

Your Business is Only as Strong as Your Systems‘ You can’t manage people but you can manage processes and systems.’ You’re ready to meet the potential buyers of your first fixer-upper property. You’ve worked day and night to finish the job, and everything is in place. Just when you’re about to meet your clients, you […]

Raising Private Money

Raising Private Money There are a lot of advantages to using private money or money from private investors to fund your real estate deals: There’s one big drawback – You have to ask for it. Many people are very skittish about asking people for money, especially people they know. It’s important to change your attitude […]

Financing Your Deals

Financing Your Deals Most investors don’t want to pay cash for the real estate they purchase. Even if you have $100,000 or so in the bank it doesn’t make sense to use it all on one deal. Interest rates these days (2017) are still at very low levels. That means if you use all of […]

5 Point Checklist to an Effective Direct Mail Piece

5 Point Checklist to an Effective Direct Mail Piece “Marketing that works is marketing that people choose to notice.” ~ Seth Godin “Direct mail marketing hardly works!”“Direct mail marketing isn’t worth the money!” Did these thoughts ever cross your mind? If they did, here are some figures from the Data & Marketing Association: “Direct mail […]

How I raised myself from failure to a Direct Mail Ninja

How I raised myself from a failure to a lethal Direct Mail Ninja (Part-1) “It’s not how good you are.It’s how good you want to be.” ~ Paul Arden Despite the rise of digital advertising, direct mail remains the unbeaten champion of business to consumer communication. According to the latest research from the Data and Marketing Association […]

Costs To Consider

What are the costs to consider in real estate? There’s a rush you feel when someone comes to you with a ‘great deal’. It’s human nature. The first impression gets your adrenaline pumping. Your heart wants you to jump right in. That’s when your mind needs to calm things down. Is it really that good? […]

5 Insane Ways to Boost Your Conversion with Direct Mail Marketing

5 Insane Ways to Boost Your Conversion with Direct Mail Marketing “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” ~ Estee Lauder, Co-founder, the Estee Lauder Companies Inc. How do you plan your direct mail marketing campaigns? You buy a list, prepare your mailings, and send them […]