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How to Scale with Direct Mail Marketing

How to Scale with Direct Mail Marketing The beautiful thing about Direct Mail Marketing is it can be incredibly easy to scale.  You’ll need a few things to get to that point, but once you’re there, scaling can happen almost overnight.  Here are 5 tips to get set up. 1. Don’t Lick and Stamp When […]

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“56 yr Old Direct Mail Rookie: WHO SAYS YOU CAN’T TEACH AN OLD DOG?” by reSimpli Direct Mail User Joe Davalos – 1st post

“56 yr Old Direct Mail Rookie: WHO SAYS YOU CAN’T TEACH AN OLD DOG?” Ok let me rephrase the above heading. I am a rookie to effective direct mail. First a little about myself. I am Joe Davalos I have been in real estate since 1981. Investing off and on since 1987 I’ve been a […]

“The Mind-Shift” by REsimpli Direct Mail User Brad Bone – 1st post

The Mind-Shift A fascinating, gradual mind-shift starts to happen after a spectacular failure in your first big direct mail marketing campaign; especially if you are a brand new full-time flipper with a stay-at-home wife and two toddlers under 3 years old. This was my experience towards the end of 2015 after sending 16,000 pieces of […]

Sharad Mehta’s High Equity List – Jan 15, 2018

Sharad Mehta’s High Equity List Below is the criteria for my 2nd list that I mailed to. For the list below, I came up with 5,450 records so rather than doing all the mailing at once, I am splitting the mailing in 3 parts to make the calls more manageable. Each week I will be […]

Sharad Mehta – Things didn’t go as planned on Jan 12, 2018

Just wanted to provide a brief update of an appointment that we had today. We had a seller call us 2 days ago about a house that he inherited and wants to sell. The house is in Merrillville, IN and sold for $75k back in 2008 and then the owners passed away in 2012 and […]

Behind the Scenes of a Successful Lead Management System

Behind the Scenes of a Successful Lead Management System “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” ~ Wayne Gretzky Over the past two decades, lead generation has seen a massive growth, in terms of research and bubbling of hundreds of thousands of companies providing lead generation services. As a real estate investor, it makes […]

Why Owner (Seller) Financing is Best

Why Owner (Seller) Financing is Best Banks and mortgage companies are in the business of loaning out money and collecting interest. That’s why so many of them will tell you that any other type of financing is very risky and should be avoided. The truth is that traditional mortgage loans are very low risk – for the banks! They […]

Single Family Homes vs. Apartment Buildings

Single Family Homes vs. Apartment Buildings Warren Buffett, the third richest man on the planet, has a simple investment philosophy – ‘Invest in What You Know’. Don’t try to invest in businesses or other vehicles that have an overly complex business model. Keep everything simple. That way you can evaluate it easily and know right […]

Founder of reSimpli and MaxProperties starts his direct mail journey!

Hi Everyone! So starting with new year, I plan to start doing Direct Mail Marketing (DMM). As I am sure is the case with every market across the country, my market has gotten very competitive and in order to keep the deal flow going I am planning to start doing my own DMM. I am […]

5 Reasons You Should be Using a CRM for Your Real Estate Business

5 Reasons You Should be Using a CRM for Your Real Estate Business “Customer service should not be a department, it should be the entire company.” ~ Tony Hsieh, CEO of ZapposIf there’s one thing every realtor will agree on, it’s the fact real estate is all about relationships. In fact, every single activity carried out […]