Overview of Call Logs

Overview of Call Logs

Overview Of Call Logs

1. Go to the left sidebar menu. Click ACTIVITY → Call Logs.

2. The system will display all Incoming/ Outgoing Calls, SMS sent/ received, incoming outbound MMS, SMS that the company has sent.

, REsimpli

3. To filter the Call Logs, click the Filter icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • a. To filter the dates, click on Start Date and End Date. Click the Filter button.
  • b. To filter the communication type, select Communication Type from the drop-down list, click the Filter button. All the Incoming Calls made will be displayed including how the call was handled by listening to the call recordings.
, REsimpli
  • c. To filter the dates, click on Start Date and End Date. Click the Filter button.
, REsimpli