
List Stacking Search and Speed Improvements

UPDATED October 28, 2024 | < 1 minute
Sharad Mehta
Written by
Sharad Mehta

List Stacking Search and Speed Improvements

Step by Step Guide:

Step-by-Step Instructions for List Stacking in REsimpli.

  1. Log in to your REsimpli account.
  2. Navigate to the “List Stacking” page.
  3. Notice the changes made to the page, including improved speed and faster response times.
  4. To search for a specific property, click on the search bar at the top of the page.
  5. Enter the phone number or other relevant information for the property you are searching for.
  6. The search will match the phone number or other relevant information in any field on the page.
  7. To search for a specific phone number, enter the entire phone number in the search bar.
  8. The search will match the phone number with the property that has the phone number listed in any field.
  9. If the phone number is not listed in any field, the search will look for matches in the property or mailing address fields.
  10. Use the filters on the page to narrow down your search based on specific criteria, such as property type, mailing status, or skip tracing status.
  11. You can also sort your results by clicking on the column headers.
  12. Use the “Add” button to add new properties to your list.
  13. Use the “Edit” button to edit the details of a property on your list.
  14. Use the “Delete” button to remove a property from your list.
  15. Use the “Export” button to export your list to a CSV file.
  16. Use the “Import” button to import a CSV file into your list.
  17. Take advantage of the improved speed and search capabilities of the list stacking page to find the properties you need quickly and efficiently.
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