Learn From My Mistake: Analysis Paralysis by Joe Davalos - REsimpli

Learn From My Mistake: Analysis Paralysis by Joe Davalos

UPDATED October 24, 2024 | 2 MIN READ
Sharad Mehta
Written by
Sharad Mehta

Learn From My Mistake: Analysis Paralysis by Joe Davalos

I got busy right before the holidays since we had purchased a few homes. By the time I knew it Thanksgiving had come and gone. I wasn’t sure if I should mail during the holidays or wait until after New Years. I come to find out that was a big mistake. I over thought this and asked for advice from others. Yes that was a big mistake. Everyone that does this direct mail thing well speaks of consistency. I over thought this and got hit with analysis paralysis.

, REsimpli

Analysis Paralysis

First I lost momentum, I was buying 2 houses a month due to direct mail from September through November. I was on a roll. That stopped because I took a break from mailing. I am picking up again but need to find leads and make more offers.

Today I get email blasts from a large wholesaler. As part of my education I look up records even seeing if the owners are part of my list of distressed owners. Well I find out two were on my list. I am kicking myself for not pulling the trigger during early December like I should have.

Even though I may not have gotten a phone call I will never know since I was not in the game. Lesson learned. I will not miss a month from here out.

You can’t hit the ball if you don’t get in the game

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