How to Wholesale Real Estate 101: A Beginner’s Guide for Agents

How to Wholesale Real Estate 101: A Beginner’s Guide for Agents

How to Wholesale Real Estate 101: A Beginner’s Guide for Agents

Wholesale real estate is a unique, exciting niche within the broader real estate industry that involves investors securing properties under contract and then immediately selling that same contract to another buyer for a profit. It’s a strategy that’s notable for not necessarily requiring the wholesaler to purchase the property but rather seeing profits from the contract transfer itself. For real estate agents, knowing how to wholesale real estate can open up a plethora of new, lucrative opportunities, allowing them to diversify their income streams and tap into a market that forces them to adopt a new, unique skill set.

So, can a real estate agent wholesale? In short, yes.

While the traditional role of a real estate agent is focused on buying and selling properties on behalf of their clients, incorporating wholesale strategies can lead to accelerated growth and an enhanced professional repertoire.

While it may not be the most typical action of an agent, wholesaling involves many of the transferable skills of working in an agency. We’ve put together this blog to expand on what it means to be a wholesale real estate agent while delving deeper into this aspect of the business in general.

What is Wholesale Real Estate?

Wholesale real estate is a strategic investing approach where an individual, the “wholesaler,” enters into a contract (a promise to buy a property) with a seller and then assigns or sells that contract to an end buyer without ever taking ownership of the property. The wholesaler’s profit comes from the difference between the price they secure the property for and the price they sell the wholesale real estate contract for.

It can essentially be seen as a middleman approach, connecting sellers with potential buyers in a shorter time without the traditional buying or selling of actual real estate.

Advantages for Investors and Agents:

Lower Capital Requirement: A primary attraction for investors is that wholesale real estate doesn’t need the same capital outlay as traditional investments. Wholesalers can secure property contracts with minimal earnest money because they don’t have to buy the property, meaning they don’t need to worry about mortgages or large cash purchases.

Quick Turnarounds: Wholesaling is generally denoted by shorter deal cycles than traditional real estate transactions. The quickness of turnaround means investors and agents can swiftly move multiple contracts through the process in a short span, potentially maximizing profits. They’re not massive lump sums, but the speed allows for a consistent stream of income.

Low Risk: Since wholesalers aren’t holding onto properties in the way traditional investors do and are instead focusing on contracts, the associated risks, such as property damage or market downturns, are generally lower.

Market Insight: Engaging in wholesale real estate transactions enables agents to gain more comprehensive insights into their local property markets, such as a better understanding of trends, and spot opportunities faster than their competitors.

Networking: Wholesalers, by nature, spend a lot of time building extensive networks of property buyers, sellers, and fellow investors. This can be highly valuable to real estate agents, potentially leading to referrals, partnerships, and increased business opportunities beyond wholesaling.

Diversification: For real estate agents, wholesaling can be an additional stream of income that plays on the skills they’ve already developed in their careers. By diversifying their revenue sources and not solely depending on commissions from traditional property sales, agents can set themselves up for more stable futures.

How to Wholesale Real Estate?

Wholesaling real estate may seem simple, but how can real estate agents wholesale effectively? Mastering this skill requires diligent work, research, and strategic negotiations. To ensure success in wholesale real estate, understanding the step-by-step process is crucial, which is why we’ve put together this detailed breakdown:

1. Conduct Market Research

Understanding the Market: Familiarize yourself with your local real estate market. This includes understanding property values and neighborhood demographics and tracking recent sale prices.

Spotting Trends: Identify promising growth areas or neighborhoods; they could provide lucrative wholesaling opportunities.

2. Identify Motivated Sellers

Sources: Look for properties in pre-foreclosure, undergoing probate, or facing tax liens. Distressing situations such as divorce, bankruptcy, or relocation also inspire people to sell.

Direct Marketing: Sending out mailers, placing print ads, and using bandit signs can get the attention of potential sellers in the area.

Networking: Building relationships with other real estate professionals is a great way to build your deal pipeline.

3. Conduct Due Diligence

Property Inspection: Always thoroughly inspect the condition of any property you’re interested in, as this will help negotiate a fair price.

Title Search: Ensure there are no severe liens or issues with legal aspects of the property ownership that could hinder the deal.

Estimate Repairs: If the property requires repairs, get an estimate from a professional. This will be crucial when determining the property’s potential value during negotiations with the seller and the end buyer.

4. Negotiate the Contract

Price: Based on in-depth research and due diligence, negotiate a fair price with the seller.

Contract Clauses: Ensure any contract you secure has a contingency clause allowing you to back out if you can’t find a buyer within a certain timeframe. This massively reduces your risk.

Earnest Money: This is the small fee you’ll pay to show your serious intent, but it’s typically refundable if a deal isn’t secured.

5. Assign the Contract

Finding a Buyer: Once you have the contract, search for your buyer. This could be a real estate investor or a homebuyer looking for a new property.

Assignment Fee: Once you find a buyer, you’ll assign them the original contract. The difference between the price you pay to the seller and the price you negotiate with the end buyer is your profit—typically referred to as the “assignment fee.”

Close the Deal: After assigning the contract and hands are shaken, the deal should close—typically with the help of a title company or attorney to guarantee everything’s in legal order. Once closed, the buyer takes on the property, and you walk away with your earnings.

Remember, while the wholesaling process is generally straightforward, each deal is unique. Flexibility, persistence, and continuous learning are key.

Tips for Agents Getting Started in Wholesale Real Estate

Wholesaling real estate can be highly rewarding both professionally and financially, but it’s essential to navigate the realm effectively. If you’re an agent looking to dip your toes into wholesaling, consider the following tips to ensure a smoother transition:

1. Leverage Your Network

As an agent, you should already have a strong network of potential buyers, sellers, and other professionals in your contact list. Use this to your advantage by reaching out and letting them know about your new venture.

2. Educate Yourself

Even if you’ve only ever worked as an agent, prepare for a different ballgame. Attend workshops, read books, and follow reputable investors online to learn more about the nature of wholesaling.

3. Build a Reliable Team

Surround yourself with experts, including a real estate attorney, title company, contractors, and other wholesalers. Their expertise will provide you with insights to streamline the process of your first deal.


4. Understand Your Local Laws

Some states have specific regulations concerning wholesaling, so read up and ensure you’re compliant, consulting with a real estate attorney if necessary.

5. Set Aside Capital

Wholesaling typically requires less capital than traditional real estate investing, but there are still costs involved, including earnest money deposits, marketing, and possible inspection costs.

6. Prioritize Marketing

To find motivated sellers, invest in marketing strategies, including everything from social media ads to direct mail campaigns and networking events. Consistently marketing yourself will yield better results.

7. Perfect Your Negotiation Skills

Wholesaling relies heavily on your ability to negotiate. Whether securing a lower price with sellers or generating maximum prices with buyers, your negotiation tactics will define your profits.

8. Stay Ethical

Always operate ethically. Misleading collaborators isn’t good for your reputation and will likely lead to legal complications.

9. Use Technology

Embrace technology, such as CRM systems, property analysis tools, and marketing platforms, to streamline your wholesaling process.

10. Be Persistent

Wholesaling, like all real estate endeavors, can and will present challenges. There will be deals that fall through and sellers who aren’t motivated, but persistence and resilience will guide you to success.

Starting in wholesale real estate as an agent provides another avenue for income and professional development. Leverage your existing skills and continuously adapt to the wholesale market’s nuances, and you’ll carve a successful niche for yourself.


Wholesale real estate is more than just another niche within the industry; it’s a unique opportunity for agents to diversify their approach and unlock new revenue streams. By grasping the intricacies of wholesaling, agents can bridge gaps between motivated sellers and eager buyers, creating win-win scenarios that benefit all parties involved.

However, as with any venture, the path to success requires dedication, education, and a strong base of ethics. Agents should be prepared to learn the ropes, leverage their existing skills, and adapt to the unique challenges they’re going to come across.

In conclusion, we urge you to dive in, explore, and unlock the opportunities that wholesale real estate has to offer. For more on the real estate industry, check out our blog today.