
How Can I Add a Task for a Particular Lead?

UPDATED October 28, 2024 | 2 MIN READ
Sharad Mehta
Written by
Sharad Mehta

How Can I Add a Task for a Particular Lead?

Just go to a particular lead and click on “Tasks&Appts” tab, then from there you’ll see the option to add a task.

add task

Step by Step Guide:

1. Log in to your REsimpli account.

2. To add a task from the main dashboard, click on the “Add Task” button.

3. Choose whether you want to add a General Business Task or a Lead Specific Task.

For a General Business Task:

  1.  Enter a task name, such as “Pull Marketing List.”
  2.  Choose a task type (e.g., Marketing) for filtering purposes.
  3.  Provide task details, such as logging into a specific platform and pulling a code violation list.
  4.  Assign the task to a team member or yourself.
  5.  Set the task’s due date and time.
  6.  Add a reminder if desired, specifying when you want to be reminded (e.g., 2 hours before the task is due).
  7.  Click “Create Task” to save.

For a Lead Specific Task:

  1. Click on “Add Tasks” and select “Lead Task.”
  2. Search for the specific lead you want to add the task to.
  3. Enter the task information as you would for a General Business Task.
  4. Click “Create Task” to save.

Alternatively, to add a task within a specific lead:

  1. Go to the specific lead and click on it.
  2. Navigate to the “Tasks and Appointments” tab.
  3. Click on “Add Task.”
  4. Choose whether to add a General Business Task or a task related to the specific lead.
  5. Enter the task information as you would for a General Business Task.
  6. Click “Create Task” to save.

The newly created task will now appear in your task list.

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