Dialer Changes
Step by Step Guide:
Step-by-Step Instructions for Managing Tasks from the Dialer.
- Log in to your REsimpli account.
- Navigate to the “Dialer” page.
- Click on the “Add” button to select a lead to call.
- If there are any pending tasks assigned to you for that specific lead, they will be displayed on the dialer page.
- If you need to add a new task, click on the “Add Task” button on the dialer page.
- Select the task type from the dropdown menu.
- Enter the task details, due date, and assignee.
- Click the “Save” button.
- Once you complete a task, mark it as completed by clicking on the checkbox next to the task.
- To filter leads with pending tasks, go to the “Leads” page and click on the “Filter” button.
- Select “Leads with pending tasks assigned to me due today” from the dropdown menu.
- Click the “Apply” button.
- Click on the lead you want to manage tasks for.
- If there are any pending tasks, they will be displayed on the lead page.
- Mark tasks as completed by clicking on the checkbox next to the task.
- Add new tasks from the lead page by clicking on the “Add Task” button.
- Enter the task details, due date, and assignee.
- Click the “Save” button.
- To filter leads with completed tasks, go back to the “Leads” page and click on the “Filter” button.
- Select “Leads with completed tasks assigned to me due today” from the dropdown menu.
- Click the “Apply” button.
- Manage tasks for each lead directly from the dialer page or lead page.
- Use the task status icons to quickly see which tasks are pending, due today, or completed.