
5 Tips that Will Help Your Direct Mail Piece Stand Out

UPDATED October 19, 2024 | 2 MIN READ
Sharad Mehta
Written by
Sharad Mehta

What’s the first thing you do when you receive a direct mailer?

If it grabs your attention, it goes to your reading desk, else lands directly in the dustbin.

Am I correct so far?

If you’re a marketer, you definitely don’t want the latter. This is where the design part comes in. With an ever-evolving direct mail marketing landscape, it pays to be on the creative side of the scale. You need a design that gets your mailer opened and read.

Let’s find out how you can create a unique mailer for your next campaign.
How to design a unique direct mail piece for your next campaign?

#1 Focus on postcard quality/texture

Did you know that the quality and thickness of the postcard could have an impact on your conversion rates?

Start with the minutest details such as the thickness of paper stock, assorted coatings, and postcard strength. As per the general rule of thumb, a thicker paper stock reflects a higher quality.

However, it will directly affect your overall budget, and a thicker postcard will attract higher postage charges too. Further, postcard thickness will vary depending upon your mailer design, so make sure to consult your printing agency.

#2 Use an intelligent color scheme

Chances are that you’ve already heard someone discuss the importance of a color scheme in brand recognition. An intelligent color combination intrigues the recipient to take action.

For example, the orange color is best suited for a call to action; generating subscriptions, calls, or even selling. On the other hand, blue color increases trust in your brand, creating a sense of security and trustworthiness among recipients.

Keep in mind that the color combination should stay consistent with your brand logo, website, and corporate colors. It allows you to build brand awareness and customers prefer brands they already know.

#3 Put a compelling headline

What are you trying to achieve with your direct mail campaign?
Are you providing a real estate service or simply want more leads?
Whatever is your primary purpose, it should be a central message, indicating your intent straightaway. Do not clutter it with other details, and use a separate font for the headline.

#4 Use photos that connect with your brand

As humans, we are likely to retain visual information longer, and it’s best to use it to your advantage.

Unlike settling for relevant images only, choose imagery that sets the tone for your message. The correct combination of colors and graphic elements can invoke right sentiments from the recipients.

It is best to get the visuals done by a professional. You can test different graphic elements, and choose the one generating highest response rate.

#5 Love white space, de-clutter extra words

The primary purpose of a postcard is to get the client in your sales funnel, either through a call, subscription, or even an email id.

The idea is to lure the customer to seeking more information about your services. When creating the copy, keep text to the essentials and use power words such as ‘free,’ ‘sale,’ or ’50% off.’

Maintain visual balance in the postcard and make it easy to read.

Pro tip: You can experiment with custom postcard designs. Start with a die-cut, or choose a specialty print finish. Another idea is to make your postcard as attractive at the back side as its front.

Always remember that it’s hard to get it right the first time. The key is to keep testing and using designs that generate maximum response.

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