Best Practices for Real Estate Postcards

Making an Impact with Real Estate Postcards

Making an Impact with Real Estate Postcards

Making an Impact with Real Estate Postcards

In an era where digital marketing dominates most industries, it can appear that the real estate industry is going the same way. With so much talk about the use of social media campaigns, targeted online ads, and email drip campaigns, it can be easy to forget about more traditional forms of marketing. However, with all that in mind, the real estate sector has still managed to retain a balance, largely by using real estate postcards. 

Amid the buzz of all the more high-tech forms of marketing and communications, real estate agent postcards remain a time-tested and effective tool for initial contact and client follow-up. But what exactly are they, and how have they managed to hold their ground in the crowded marketing arsenal of today?

Real Estate Postcards Defined

A real estate postcard is a physical piece of cardstock, usually vibrantly designed, sent to communicate some sort of real estate-related message. They can advertise a property listing, an agent’s services, or any other aspect of an agent or investor’s business. The messages on a real estate postcard ensure it’s more than a simple piece of paper; it’s a tangible representation of an agent’s brand sent directly to the homes of potential clients or an established clientele base for them to hold in their hands.

This more traditional approach might seem out of place in a world that’s rapidly transitioning to digital operations, but it’s the tangible nature of real estate postcards that makes them stand out. While an email can be deleted in a second, even if it stands out amid a sea of other messages, a well-designed postcard might find itself a home on a refrigerator door, an office bulletin board, or a coffee table, acting as a constant visual reminder of the agent’s presence and offerings.

The Significance of Postcards in Real Estate Marketing

Real estate postcard mailers bring a more personal touch to the world of real estate marketing. They are a message to recipients, stating clearly, “I’m here, in your community, and I’m ready to assist you.” Whether designed to showcase a recently sold property or used to highlight an upcoming open house or maintain regular touchpoints with past clients, postcards are physical signifiers of an agent’s proactive approach.

The benefits are many:

Cost-Effective Marketing: Postcards are a surprisingly budget-friendly option when compared to other advertising channels, allowing for widespread distribution with lower costs.

Targeted Marketing: With postcards, agents have the ability to focus on specific demographics or neighborhoods, ensuring the right audience sees their message.

Brand Awareness: Consistent postcard campaigns in a targeted area help to maintain a realtor’s presence in potential clients’ minds, ensuring they’re the go-to choice when services are needed.

Increased Lead Generation: Well-designed postcards are a surefire way to capture attention and can motivate recipients to reach out, increasing a base of potential clientele.

Enhancing Client Relationships: Sending personalized postcards to past clients and collaborators can reaffirm their decision to choose you, promoting repeat business and referrals.

We put together this guide to delve deeper into the world of real estate postcards, expanding on their benefits, discussing their various forms and the best practices for maximizing their impact, and looking at some strong real estate postcard templates. Whether you’re an industry veteran real estate agent or just getting started in the business, understanding the balance of art and science behind postcards can elevate your marketing game significantly.

Benefits of Using Real Estate Postcards

In the vast realm of marketing tools, real estate postcards have retained their significance for a multitude of reasons, listed briefly above. While many might see them as an older, perhaps outdated method of reaching out to leads, their consistent efficacy over the years says otherwise. 

Before you start putting together a marketing plan with real estate postcards, it’s important to fully understand the key benefits that make them such an indispensable asset in a realtor’s marketing toolkit.

Cost-effective Marketing Strategy

One of the primary draws of using real estate direct mail postcards is their cost-effectiveness. When ordered in bulk, the production cost per postcard becomes surprisingly affordable, especially in relation to their potential for impact. Furthermore, when you compare the expense of postcards to more extensive traditional advertising campaigns, such as billboards, TV spots, or print and digital marketing, they offer a great bang for the buck. 

The direct nature of postcards, landing directly in the hands of your target audience, ensures every penny spent is geared towards a tangible, effective form of outreach.

Targeted Marketing

With postcards, you have the luxury of increased specificity. When devising your plan of attack, you can choose to send your message to a particular neighborhood, demographic, or even a select list of leads and previous clients. This level of targeting helps to ensure that your postcards reach the exact audience you wish to engage with rather than simply spreading your marketing net far and wide with the hopes of catching some new business.

For instance, if you’ve just sold a home in a specific local area and want to attract more clients from that region, “Just Sold” real estate postcards sent to neighboring houses can work wonders.

Build Brand Awareness

Consistent branding is crucial for any business, whatever industry it operates in, and real estate is no exception. Real estate postcards essentially serve as miniature billboards that spread awareness about your brand every time they’re sent out, which is why they need to feel in line with the rest of your marketing strategy. With a well-designed postcard that clearly reflects your brand’s colors, fonts, and messaging, you reinforce your brand image in the minds of recipients. 

Over time, it’s this consistency that will ensure that your brand comes to mind whenever people think of real estate in your area.

Increases Lead Generation

While not every postcard is going to result in an immediate answer to every call to action, the cumulative effect of regularly sending them out can and will significantly boost lead generation. Some recipients might hold onto your postcard in the coming months, looking to it when it’s time to consider future real estate ventures. Others might pass them on to friends or family whom they know are entering the market. 

In any case, the key is persistence and consistency, ensuring your name and brand remain firmly at the top of your leads’ minds when real estate needs arise.

Enhances Customer Relationships

Postcards aren’t just for farming out potential clients—they also serve as an excellent tool for staying in touch with past clients as well. Sending out a postcard during the holiday season, on the anniversary of a home purchase, or as a general check-in can remind past clients of your services and the professional experience you shared together. 

Sending out real estate postcards like this not only fosters goodwill but also increases the chances of repeat business and referrals.

While it’s clear that modern technology has introduced plenty of effective new marketing avenues, the tangible, personal nature of real estate postcards gives them a unique edge in today’s business landscape. They are a physical piece of proof that some classic strategies never go out of style.

Tips for Creating Effective Real Estate Postcards

Crafting the perfect real estate postcard isn’t just about the simple conveyance of information—it’s about leaving a lasting impression, telling a story that leads can engage with, and compelling the recipient to act. In a world that’s saturated with myriad advertisements, standing out and being memorable is paramount to a successful career. 

To ensure your real estate postcards don’t end up shredded and tossed in the trash—instead of making the mark you need them to—consider the following essential tips.

Use High-Quality Images

First impressions matter, especially in the person-facing real estate industry. High-quality images showcase properties in their best light and reflect your professionalism, showing that you really care about your work. Ensure any photos you choose to include are sharp, well-lit, and taken from angles that highlight the property’s best features. 

The same applies if you’re advertising your services rather than a specific property. When showing yourself, use a high-resolution, professional headshot or a photo showcasing you in action, either assisting clients or at a property. Put your best foot forward in how you present yourself because no one trusts a scruffy person with their future. 

Keep the Message Short and Simple

Postcards don’t tend to offer a lot of real estate (pun intended) for lengthy narratives, so there’s no time for mincing your messages. Every word counts. Craft a concise yet compelling message that gets to the point swiftly without overwhelming the reader with too much content. Big paragraphs will put off a lot of potential clients. 

For instance, instead of listing every amenity of a property, highlight a few standout features or selling points, ensuring the recipient quickly grasps the essence of your message.

Include a Clear Call-to-Action

The purpose of the postcard is not just to spread the word about your services but to elicit a response. Whether you want the recipient to pay a visit to an open house, check out one of your property listings online, or get in touch for a consultation, your call-to-action (CTA) should be evident, including clear instructions on how to act. 

Use persuasive language and consider incorporating graphic design elements such as buttons or arrows to draw attention to your CTA.

Personalize the Postcard

In our increasingly automatized era, a personal touch will set you apart. If you can, address the recipient by their first name and tailor the content to resonate with them specifically. 

For example, if sending postcards to touch base with former clients, a message like “Thinking of an upgrade, [Name]? Here’s how the market is doing now!” can make your communication feel exclusive and personalized.

Use a Professional Design

While content is the most essential part of a real estate postcard, the visual design can make or break its effectiveness. A cluttered, unattractive, and inconsistent design can turn off recipients, while a sleek, professional look will only enhance readability and convey credibility. Ensure there’s harmony between fonts, colors, and images, resulting in a cohesive, digestible postcard. 

If design isn’t your forte, hire a professional graphic designer or use real estate postcard templates tailored for impact.

In summation, effective real estate postcards merge compelling visuals with clear, concise messaging. When done right, they can capture attention, convey value, and, most importantly, inspire action. As you craft your postcard campaign, keep these principles at the forefront of your approach to ensure maximum impact and return on investment.

Top 15 Sample Postcard Ideas

In today’s competitive real estate market, standing out from the crowd is more crucial than ever before. As we’ve covered, one of the most direct and effective ways to reach potential clients is through postcards. But not just any postcard will do; it needs to be well-designed, informative, and engaging. We’ve collated fifteen standout real estate postcard templates and examples that you can use for inspiration, pointing out where they work and where they could improve. 

Wise Pelican: Market Update

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The Wise Pelican Market Update postcard template makes an impression by offering a snapshot of the current real estate market through visual rather than textual language. At first glance, the postcard looks less like a market data sheet and more like an elegant newsletter, with rich graphics complementing the general market information, the inclusion of which also offers tangible value to the recipient. To make it more personable, it integrates a clear, well-taken picture of the realtor, suggesting a local touch and expertise.


  • The general, easy-to-digest market information is supplemented by aesthetically pleasing graphics, which capture the attention of recipients and entice them to read further.
  • Including a photo of the realtor provides a personal touch, making potential clients feel like they’re dealing with a real human being, not just a brand.
  • Clear localization ensures recipients know the data is relevant to their region specifically.
  • The colors are well-chosen, making it visually appealing and easy to read.


  • The data provided is somewhat limited, which may not fully satisfy those looking for more comprehensive insights.
  • The absence of a call-to-action means that recipients aren’t guided on what to do next, potentially missing an opportunity for engagement.
  • It could do a better job highlighting exactly what the realtor’s services entail.

Xara: Agent Advertisement Flyer


The Xara Agent Advertisement Postcard template is effective in its straightforward yet impactful approach. It’s full of clear imagery combined with plenty of space for writing selling points, making it both functional and attractive. It also employs a question-and-answer format, immediately addressing potential client queries and positioning the realtor as the solution.


  • The Engaging question-and-answer format directly communicates with the recipients, encouraging them to engage in response.
  • Clear images of the realtor and a sample property enhance credibility, personability, and the potential for interest.
  • Explicitly highlighting guaranteed services gives potential clients a clear reason to consider the realtor’s offerings.
  • Space allocated for the realtor’s logo helps reinforce brand recognition.


  • While the primary focus is on the realtor, including more specific property details, such as pricing or amenities for the included image, might make it more engaging and informative for potential buyers or sellers. 
  • The design could be slightly generic, especially if not customized effectively.

Canva: Luxury Real Estate

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Canva’s New Development postcard stands out for its bold headlines, written in a font that aligns with the messaging, along with compelling discount offers. It’s designed to exude a sense of luxury and excitement. While primarily focused on the property’s amenities, it seamlessly integrates design elements that speak to a level of sophistication.


  • Clear communication of property amenities, giving potential clients the valuable information they need for decision-making.
  • The design of the text and layout both align with the luxurious imagery, offering a cohesive visual narrative.
  • With its professional and sleek appearance, it can appeal to the higher-end market.
  • The discount offer can be a significant selling point for potential buyers.


  • The postcard is significantly lacking in any sense of a personal touch, making it feel more like a corporate advertisement than an appeal coming from real people.
  • There’s some visual disconnect between images, with a few too many properties showcased, which may confuse or distract recipients.
  • The absence of a realtor image means no personal connection is established with potential clients.

Venngage: Home Buyers Guide

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The Venngage Home Buyers Guide postcard serves as a mini guide for potential homebuyers, offering advice on how to secure a property once and for all. It stands out by providing clear steps and offering valuable insights for buyers; rather than simply trying to market services to them, it offers them for free. By acting as an informational piece, it provides something beneficial to recipients, making them more likely to remember the realtor who sent it.


  • The pleasant and comprehensive visual design ensures the information is easier to read rather than being presented with harsh colors. 
  • It’s packed with actionable information, making this postcard a great resource for potential homebuyers.
  • The format works perfectly as a first touchpoint to leads or a follow-up, keeping the realtor top of mind.


  • The design is severely lacking a personal touch, with no images or mentions of the realtor or agency, making it feel a bit faceless and corporate. 
  • There’s no presence of a call-to-action, which means potential clients might be unsure of how to take the next steps or what they would even be.
  • It doesn’t distinctly portray the services or specialties of the agency, meaning it could easily be used without linking back to the business.

Canva: Personalized Property Brochure

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The Canva Personalized Property Brochure postcard template is tailored to showcase interiors and styles that resonate with a particular lead’s tastes and requirements, being customizable for different leads and prospects. It prioritizes visual appeal, leveraging high-quality images that mesh with graphic design choices to portray properties in the best light possible.


  • The personalized approach ensures the recipient feels it’s curated just for them, making it a great choice for follow-up.
  • Stunning property images blend seamlessly with the overall design of the postcard, resulting in a gorgeously cohesive look.
  • Adequate space is allotted for details about the properties and the agency, allowing the sender to provide comprehensive information to the lead.
  • It features a compelling call-to-action, clearly guiding potential clients on the next steps.


  • The absence of a realtor image or agency logo reduces brand recall, making it feel a little more generic.
  • While personalization is its strength, it’s also its greatest limitation—each postcard needs to be custom-tailored to each client, making it less scalable for mass send-outs.

The Close: Neighborhood Specialist

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Positioning the realtor as a local expert, The Close’s Neighborhood Specialist postcard design offers a compelling narrative for prospective homebuyers to sink their teeth into. It showcases a young, good-looking couple entering their new home with the help of a friend (or maybe their agent), reinforcing the dream of homeownership and the aspirational journey with the realtor.


  • The narrative imagery of a couple entering their new home evokes emotion and sets a positive tone, allowing the reader to be aspirational.
  • It provides ample space for information, ensuring recipients have all they need to know before taking the next step.
  • It incorporates localized photos and a local headline, reinforcing the realtor’s expertise in that specific neighborhood or area.


  • The design lacks clear, distinct images of individual properties, making the postcard’s focus feel more general than specific—it would need to be adapted for each agent. 
  • Potential clients might want to see more direct showcases of properties available for purchase rather than just being sold the idea of homeowning. 

PosterMyWall: Open House Invite

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The PosterMyWall Open House Invite postcard concept presents a direct and visually appealing invitation to an open house, potentially inspiring some all-important in-person meetings. The postcard showcases clear images of the house’s interiors, highlighting its beauty and key features without any collusion. The price is prominently displayed, providing most of the essential information upfront, and it’s embellished with a refined visual style that hints at the kind of luxury on offer.


  • The postcard offers a detailed view of the house on offer, featuring clear images of different rooms, allowing potential buyers to get a preliminary feel of the property.
  • The luxury font type and accenting elevate the overall look and feel, alluding to the premium nature of the property, as well as the standard of the open house itself.
  • It gives potential clients the information they need, communicating key details with the price clearly portrayed.


  • The lack of a realtor image can make the postcard feel less personalized and connected—the reader won’t know who to expect at the open house.
  • It leans toward being impersonal and snooty, potentially not creating a strong rapport with potential clients.

Canva: Open House Invite

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Canva’s Open House Invite postcard takes a slightly different approach to the example from PosterMyWall, integrating the aesthetics of the house itself with the overall graphic design. The design instills a sense of urgency in the reader, with phrases such as “Don’t miss” prompting recipients to act or risk losing an opportunity. It is modern, sleek, and designed to catch the eye.


  • The integrated aesthetic makes the postcard stand out, offering a cohesive blend of house visuals and graphic design that feels very professional.
  • The “Don’t miss” phrase creates a sense of urgency in clients, encouraging leads to attend the open house.
  • Features a clear call to action, guiding recipients on what steps to take next.


  • The absence of a realtor image might make it harder for recipients to establish a personal connection with the person behind the postcard.
  • While visually appealing, it lacks key property details and amenities that potential buyers might be interested in, especially if they’re going to be visiting an open house.

Help-U-Sell: Testimonial Postcard

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The Help-U-Sell Testimonial Postcard leverages the power of real-life, tangible proof, showcasing images of happy couples alongside their testimonials. Its purpose is to build trust by sharing past clients’ experiences and successes with the realtor or agency.


  • Testimonials, especially when accompanied by images, create a compelling, aspirational narrative that potential clients can relate to, building trust.
  • The clear slogans at the bottom help to convey the value proposition quickly.
  • The color usage in the text is effective, ensuring key details stand out to readers.


  • The graphic design feels generic and basic, not distinguishing the postcard from numerous other real estate advertisements.

The omission of contact information is a significant oversight, making it difficult for interested clients to reach out.
(Note: It may be present on the other side of the card.)

Canva: Agent Advertisement

real estate postcards, REsimpli

Canva’s Agent Advertisement postcard template aims to strike a balance between professionalism and personality. It conveys all the necessary information succinctly while putting an image of the agent front and center. It’s a clear attempt to create a direct connection with the recipient, letting them see who they’ll be dealing with.


  • The use of a rhetorical question combined with a clear call to action engages the recipient, prompting them to consider the services offered.
  • It efficiently packs in all the necessary contact and address information, ensuring recipients have everything they need.
  • Featuring an image of the agent in a working position provides authenticity and builds trust.


  • The color scheme may be perceived as unexciting and drab, potentially not grabbing the recipient’s attention amid a pile of mail.
  • While it ticks the functional boxes, it might not stand out creatively in a market that’s saturated with eye-catching content.

Addressers: I Want Your Home

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The “I Want Your Home” postcard from Addressers sends a direct message to one particular homeowner. It creates an immediate impact by stating its purpose up front, with the postcard cleverly playing on the concept of a no-hassle cash offer, positioning it as an attractive proposition for those considering selling.


  • The personalized message makes the homeowner feel singled out, which can be compelling and immediately grab attention.
  • Use of “$$” symbols inherently grabs attention, positioning the offer as blatantly lucrative.
  • The list of “No” conditions underscores a hassle-free sense, appealing to those wary of the usual selling process.


  • The property image included doesn’t show enough respect for the owner who’s being reached out to.
  • The text design feels generic, and the overall aesthetic doesn’t match the premium nature of real estate dealing—it almost feels like a “get-rich-quick” scheme. 

PostcardMania: Ready to Sell Template

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PostcardMania’s “Ready to Sell” template is designed to immediately convey the realtor’s value proposition, showcasing the successes of past sales and offering free value-added services. It’s an effective appeal to homeowners who might be on the fence about selling.


  • Displaying various property images serves as a visual testament to the realtor’s impressive track record.
  • Highlighting FREE values, such as home value estimates and consultations, positions the realtor as both an industry authority and a generous agent.
  • The headline is crafted to catch the eye with a question, sparking interest right away.


  • The design feels a tad impersonal, not offering much in the way of a distinct personality or touch.
  • Despite the offerings on display, some might find it a bit generic in a market full of similar promises.

WisePelican: Just Listed

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WisePelican’s “Just Listed” postcard offers a straightforward, no-frills showcase of a property up for grabs. With an image of the property and a complementary image of the agent, it aims to establish a sense of trust and transparency with potential clients.


  • The postcard effectively highlights the property with a good-quality photo that allows the recipient to appreciate its appeal.
  • An image of the agent fosters a sense of personal connection and trust while adding a degree of authority.
  • The inclusion of a detailed property description in relation to the area, along with amenities, provides potential buyers with immediate clarity on what’s being offered.


  • The design may come across as too plain, lacking elements that make it stand out or be memorable in a sea of similar postcards
  • It could benefit from some interior shots of the property.
  • While it does its job functionally, there’s little creative spark to differentiate it from other listing postcards.

Postcard Mania: Home Appraisal Advertisement

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Postcard Mania’s “Home Appraisal Advertisement” postcard focuses on offering a valuable service for free, making it a great way to get in touch with potential clients. It is crafted to draw in leads by providing a no-strings-attached offer, which could serve as a gateway to more substantial conversations.


  • Emphasizing the “Free” aspect is a surefire way to grab attention and interest—everyone likes a deal.
  • The headline makes a clear, engaging statement, with no room for interpretation.
  • The color usage in the font emphasizes key details, ensuring that the message isn’t lost in the content.


  • The selected image isn’t particularly specific, meaning it would have to be customized upon use. 
  • The design lacks personality, which doesn’t work well with its somewhat “schemeish” look—this could make potential clients a little bit wary. 

Postcard Mania: Market Update

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With the “Market Update” postcard, Postcard Mania has created a template that seeks to establish the agent’s expertise in the local real estate market. By sharing timely, relevant updates on local market dynamics, it aims to attract potential clients who value staying informed about local market trends.


  • The interior image of a luxurious property immediately draws attention and sets a high standard for the agent’s kind of operations.
  • Presenting market information in an easily digestible format demonstrates the agent’s commitment to keeping clients informed—offering value is key.
  • Good, informative CTA included next to the logo. 


  • Despite being presented well, a data-heavy approach can intimidate or confuse potential clients unfamiliar with market metrics.
  • The absence of a human touch or agent image makes the postcard feel less personal and approachable.

As you’ve read, effective postcards not only provide valuable information but also present it in a way that’s likely to resonate with the target audience. From showcasing listings to offering services and insights, these real estate postcard ideas highlight just how many different strategies agents can employ in their marketing efforts, along with how to take a pre-existing idea and improve on it.


Real estate postcards are tactile reminders of opportunities, services, and expertise. The medium has stood the test of time, even in today’s digital age, because it brings a personal touch that digital communications often lack. 

The benefits of using real estate postcards include:

  • Cost-Effectiveness 
  • Brand Building
  • Targeting Potential 
  • Lead Generation
  • Nurturing Client Relationships

Whether announcing a new property, offering a free home appraisal, or updating potential clients about market trends, there’s a style that fits every purpose. Regardless, they require some sort of added value, clear information, and a strong visual style, among other elements that make them stick. 

Remember, standing out is everything, so now it’s time to take what you’ve learned and start crafting your own postcard marketing strategy! For more on the real industry, visit our blog today.