1. Go to the left sidebar menu. Click Leads → Active Leads.
2. Click the Filter ( ) icon.
3. The filter can be done by the following category:
a. Lead Assignment
b. Filter by Tags, Drips, and Tasks
c. Lead Age and Status.
4. To filter by Lead Assignment, click Lead Assigned to Market, Lead Assigned to Role, or Lead Assigned to User (s). Tick from the choices. Click the Filter Leads button. Filtered data will be displayed based on the selected choices.
5. To filter by Tags, Drips, and Tasks, select from the options and click the Filter Leads button. The data on Leads With Pending Tasks or Leads Without Pendings Tasks can also be filtered in this section.
6. To filter by Lead Age and Status, select the dates – Start Date and End Date. Select Lead age and Status of Hot Leads. This is to filter how many Leads came in on the specified dates.