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30 Day cold calling challenge For Real Estate Investors

The Challenge Kicks Off Monday, January 9th @ 8:00 PM EST

Are you ready to close your next deal? Signup Today For $199 $499 Only.

    We’ll Guide You Through Our 5 Steps to Your Next Real Estate Deal

    Learn Which Lists to Pull
    Step 1

    Learn Which Lists to Pull

    – Find the best performing lists for cold calling

    – Review how to effectively pull your lists

    Learn How to Stack Your Lists and Skip Trace
    Step 2

    Learn How to Stack Your Lists and Skip Trace

    – Basics of list stacking and skip tracing

    – Effectively use your stacked lists

    Learn How to Cold Call
    Step 3

    Learn How to Cold Call

    – Get our industry proven script for motivated sellers

    – Analyze the ideal times to call prospects

    Learn How to Make Effective Offers
    Step 4

    Learn How to Make Effective Offers

    – Get our industry proven purchase agreement

    – Review how to calculate the best offer price

    Learn How to Automate Follow Ups
    Step 5

    Learn How to Automate Follow Ups

    – Basics of Drip Campaigns

    – Gain Insights on lead follow ups

    – Get our industry proven drip campaigns and sequences

    Step by Step Instructions

    Step by Step Instructions

    We provide step by step instructions on generating leads, calling leads and automating your lead follow ups.

    Weekly live coaching calls

    Weekly live coaching calls

    We will do weekly live coaching calls to answer any questions you have related to anything you might be struggling with

    Private Facebook Community

    Private Facebook Community

    You will get access to a private Facebook community with other real estate Wholesalers to connect with and keep each other motivated

    Cold Calling Dialer

    Cold Calling Dialer

    Learn about 4 pillars of qualifying a seller and how to confidently talk to motivated sellers to uncover their motivation for selling their property.

    Cold Calling Script

    Cold Calling Script

    We will share the cold calling script for you to use to call motivated sellers

    Drip Campaign

    Drip Campaign

    We will share the complete step by step Drip Campaign sequence for you to automate your follower with leads and covert more leads into deals

    Meet The Host

    David Dodge

    David Dodge

    David Dodge is a St. Louis Real Estate Investor with over 18 years of experience. He first started investing in Real Estate when he was in college, at the age of 20 while attending the University of Missouri-Columbia. David specializes in Wholesaling Real Estate as well as using The BRRRR Method to acquire Rental Properties with none of his own money!

    Sharad Mehta

    Sharad Mehta

    Sharad is Founder & CEO of Resimpli. He also runs a very active real estate investing business in Northwest Indiana and has done over 600 deals in last 10 years. He lives out of state and has built a very virtual investing business doing 50+ deals per year using systems and process.

    Are you ready to close your next deal? Signup Today For $199 $499 Only.